Years ago I rejected the principle that EOD was all I could do although it 'worked'.
A year ago I rejected the science of detention times as applied to vitamins and minerals. The day I injected 3 times a day was my start of self treatment that not only worked but was more effective.
I used the principle of plateauing for months. That when I increased my B12 injections I would plateau then try changing the frequency, amount or concentration in trials. Born of the rejection of EOD was effective in all cases.
I had rejected the principle that I would heal eventually and that there was any rational to accept it takes years as that made no sense with what I know about the human body.
I through my experience with my trials now use the principle of my body will continue to heal at a certain frequency, amount and concentration of supplementation but the rate of healing plateaus. I then start a new trial with the understanding that if effective I will need more sleep and rest, symptoms of the past may be a bit present.
I currently inject 2.4 ml 4 to 6 times a day at a concentration of 3 mg per ml.
In the last 6 weeks I have discovered that when I get tired from a more effective regime I tend not to inject as often hence the 4 to 6 times. Putting the effort into injecting 6 times a day is more than I can manage while healing. Inadvertently causing my own rollercoaster.
If I inject every three hours then I heal at a preferred rate. The way that works out is 6 times a day with sometimes waking up in the night to inject.
I also use Betaine to open my methylation pathways. I no longer treat for B12 deficiency or PA rather use Beraine to open my methylation pathways and balance out my deficiency caused by the way my methylation pathways functioned. I am enjoying the results of the last 90 days. Not yet wonderful but I do not discount that is possible. The proof either way will be in the pudding.
I did not include the frequency, forms, amounts etc when writing of all the supplements I am currently taking as I am still in flux and do not want to expend the effort at this time.
As I improve my suplimentation I change my evaluation method. The symptoms typically associated with 'B12' deficiency have been resolved by my self treatment not by just waiting and hoping. I am currently using the term 'Acuity Index'. it is useful in evaluation how my regime is effective. When my 'Acuity index' is where I want it I can do any task with the same amount of effort and do not have to decide how easy or possible a task might be. This is valuable to me as when I improve my supplementation I go through a period of less acuity as my body heals. I do expect it may be the vestige of fatigue.
Hand in hand with my concept of acuity index is inflammation. Supplementing or pushing to the point where I feel I am experiencing inflammation has no value other than to measure the effect of what I should do. I do sometimes push to where inflammation becomes an issue. That is valuable information but not healing. (I currently can swim 1/2 mile and only be tired. Or swim 500 meters three days in a row and only be tired.)
I do sometimes walk a known distance to measure progress It is not a focus as this is all about how I experience not performance. The performance is a result.
In the immediate I am working on supplementing 6 times a day to prevent the self induced roller coaster. From experience I can expect to be more tired and my acuity index to be on the low side. Past experience indicates less than a week.
As a scientist, not a technician or hobbyist who is educated not trained in the environment sciences I could design a formal numerical Acuity Index utilizing a weighted average. It has no value for me to do so.
The knowledge I have as a scientist has limited value when applied to methylation pathways. It is helpful to understand that science that is provabale by experiment is rare and all science is temporal. It is also helpful to understand doctors are only applied scientist and their ability to heal does not correlate to their ability to become licenced by the state. It took 30 days to have a better understanding of how to treat to heal than my doctor and 2.5 years to substantially know how to self treat to heal that was more effective than a modified EOD method.
My work as a professional also helps me as I understand the difference between a solution and the the best solution currently available. Modified EOD is a solution. I will let you know if I design an elegant solution.
I am competent to evaluate the risks of my supplementation as well as the benefit gained.
Self-treating has a high degree of difficulty.
As always unless I get lazy this writing is about sharing my experiences and not portenting to be competent to instruct.
All my work is done without having to eat lentils. : )