Posts - Pain Concern | HealthUnlocked

Pain Concern

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All posts for October 2013


What I want to know is where has my whoosh gone when I send an email. I never re...
nedd profile image

Fibromyalgia. Is this classed as a disability illness? I wondered if to inform the D.L.A. about if it is.

ladyship profile image

When should I stop screaming? Why do they look at me as if they don't believe me?

Not so much a question or statement, more of an open invite to comment. Ive suff...
JayCee73 profile image
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For those who cannot take analgesics.

I've just had a pre-op assessment and was asked to list all the medications I ha...
Calceolaria profile image

When is pain too much?

I have severe fibromyalgia but also have facial neuralgia and regular migraines....
cobweb profile image

re-neck and pain and other symptoms

Just would like to ask anyone here if they suffer with or have problems with ne...
Hidden profile image

Feeling Vulnerable

These past few weeks I have been slowly declining into feeling more and more dep...
welshnut profile image

Chiropractic or physiotherapy?

My doctor has just stopped my MST script and have gone from 70mg x 2 daily to nothing. I am now in awful withdrawal can he do this

i'm getting worse by the hour and i'm really scared.
jane43 profile image

Hi. Ive suffered with chronic pain for the past 6 years. Where do I turn for support? Sorry for sounding needy.

I know it sounds needy, but Ive run out of options. I am a single man, no family...
JayCee73 profile image

Pain reduced by benzo's

I'm reducing diazapam, but finding it hard as the fibro pain and arthritis seems...
woodbon profile image

e chronic back pain related to a number of surgeries with more planned. my pain relief is failing miserably, any suggestions ?

my dosage is 30mg twice a day of targinact, with oxynorm as as when required, pa...
unisonlady7 profile image

Hi I`m new to this community. I am on a pain management schedule. Tramadol 50 mg (6-8 per day) and paracetamol 500 mg (6-8 per day). I was

recently in a multiple car accident, I was hit from the back twice which shunted...
hamlet profile image

Knee replacement

Hi has anyonr ouy there had a tatal knee replacement. Whats yhe recovery time?
macgill profile image

Tingling in the Little Finger (Guyon's Canal Syndrome)

Tingling in the pinky finger can be caused by a disorder of the neck spine, anat...

Design project about 'pain'

Hey guys, My name is Andy, I'm a student at the Glasgow School of Art, studying...
andywilson profile image

Being ignored - Stuck in the NHS trap

Hi Need some tips on getting the NHS system to work for me as I have fallen thro...
frame1 profile image

Hi all this is my first post I have what i think dysfunctional sacroiliac joint syndrome can you suggest any physical excerise to help

gleeber profile image

I don't know what to do with myself

I feel absolutely awful. This weekend has been a nightmare for me. I'm not sure ...
faceless65 profile image

Triptafen. Has anyone on here been prescribed this anti-depressant for pain (not mood) ?

Calceolaria profile image

I have been back and forth to my GP OVER AND OVER are they not up to date with the condition fibromyalga,, they have no clue

my GP has finally sort of said I have fibromyalgia but because I have on one par...
kes2008 profile image

Does anyone else suffer with the excruciating pain of neuralgia and if so wot medications do u take,also r u getting any other kind of treat

Why r doctors so reluctant to give painkillers to ppl even tho there in agony

Referred to Pain Management Clinic Weekly for four Weeks

I attended a Pain Management Clinic yesterday & this is supposed to go on weekly...
MaminaElsie profile image

Memory foam mattress

David has a V shaped memory foan pillow which he loves. Been thinking about a ma...
Bananas5 profile image


Well it seems that I am beginning to start my new life on the English/Scottish B...
Hidden profile image

Feel so crap. I'm so fed up with being in pain all the time!

So fed up.
rowantree profile image

I have very bad pain in my leg an shoulder on a lot of pain killer but would like to try other things xx

chels27 profile image

Has anyone got an opinion that can help??

Hi I've been taking pregabalin 25mg twice daily for my chronic back pain (doesn'...
deb25426 profile image

Would anyone in East Kent be interested in a focus group about stimulating the market to provide different choices to support people?

Eg acupuncture, Alexander technique etc
rowantree profile image


2.15 (lunch) they wheeled me down to theatre and 6.15pm I woke up, very briefl...
mich6666 profile image