Eg acupuncture, Alexander technique etc
Would anyone in East Kent be interested in a ... - Pain Concern
Would anyone in East Kent be interested in a focus group about stimulating the market to provide different choices to support people?
I am so nowhere near your part of the world - give it a shot - everyone will try anything, when nothing else works...So it will be your turn to shine!!
Not in your area, but wish you well in this venture. We will all benefit if you can get some interest going. Good luck, Ann
What do you mean:
"focus group about stimulating the market to provide different choices to support people?"
Alexander Technique is about developing Mindfulness of the body. This is about a person developing skills that enable them to discover what they do that causes pain and what they do that can reduce pain.
Buddhist Mindfulness and Meditation is the same. It is the person working on themselves.
It does not matter how much a focus group talks if people do not want to work on themselves then things like Alexander Technique, Meditation and Mindfulness will not be effective as pain relief techniques.
I meant a focus group to discuss what people want in our area. What services are lacking? What is available? Are there any Alexander technique teachers for example? Or private acupuncture? Can anyone get any of these on the NHS? This is the kind of information I'm looking for. Rather than what these treatments do.
I have Bowen Therapy £35 per 90min session, Bowen is a gentle treatment for when the body is in a high state of pain. The Therapist helps me to find & access my feelings of being able to love again, I know this sounds strange, but feeling ill & in pain most of the time I need to connect with my loving feelings as a way to stop me going into bad states of depression & from having Panic Attacks that land me in A&E. And as Parkinson continues it's steady destruction of my body; this treatment helps keep me sane, relaxes me (some what) & sometimes helps me able to be happy & more able to cope.
I go to a Homeopath to try and reduce some of my Parkinsonium symptons & intense body nerve pain - this costs £33 per hour session (which you might need to do 2 or more times a year) - included is as many telephone calls as to what is going on with your health, feelings & mentally, which then are treated Homeopathically. My daughter is my go between the Homeopath & myself, apart from my hourly sessions. My daughter has absolute belief in him. So she can inspire & be positive, & since I haave seen the wonderful results she has made this also gives me hope, when times look black. Again one of the benefits of Homis a clear mind, which is important to me, for me 'loosing it' is not a pretty sight.
I buy & use Meditation CD's, I read lots of self help & fiction books, I look for beauty where ever I can. BUT I don't have a good relationship with my local GP's, the one's I get to see treat me like an idiot, but to be fair? By the time I go to see them I'm usually almost (or am) into having a panic attack so I am a blithering wreck.
I've gone on a bit, but what I think is the more people that try different things the better. It would be good to have more healing systems that work to fight pain and illness.
All best wishes in your endeavours
I'm in Whitstable. The medical practice I go to (Estuary View) has a chiropractor (combined with acupuncture) and a physio on-site. I have been referred to both over the last couple of years. I didn't get much relief with the Chiropractor, but the physio was excellent as he shows you various exercises you can do yourself. The only slight problem with NHS referral is they will only allow you 6 sessions. I also paid privately to see an Osteopath - I got some short-term relief but even he said it was a waste of money unless there was some permanent relief.
Good on you, I hope you can get a good group going. Keep us all posted.
Thanks. I haven't had very much interest though. Perhaps it needs to be a virtual whole country group?