I have very bad pain in my leg an shoulder on... - Pain Concern
I have very bad pain in my leg an shoulder on a lot of pain killer but would like to try other things xx

Hi Chels27,
Sorry To Hear Your In Pain Have You Tried A Hot Water Bottle ?
Hello BOB here
What have you tried, have you seen your GP as yet ?.
You say you have a painful leg and shoulder. First you need too know how has this happened, why the pain, have you been over doing it, or have damaged yourself.
The doctor would give medications that will help.
You could try some NSID s and Codeine or paracetamol, although if it has been going on for more that two weeks and you have not got relief I would strongly recommend your GP as He will give something stronger
All the best

Hi BoB a was hit with a car ove 7 years ago i have a pin in my leg and did have 1 in my shoulder but they got it out but 1 in my leg has damaged an the bone is growing in side it, i have been to hospital,pain clinck and docs they have me on Dihdrocodeine, pregadlin all at strongest levele, its a total night mare.
Take care.
Chelsie xx
Hello Chelsie
BOB here
When were you last at the Pain Clinic, sometimes a review of medications needs to be undertaken as when we get older the pain most probably will become more tasking
If you have been to Pain Clinic they would have shown you how too use a TENS and relaxation techniques so you should have those under your belt although now you will need to progress and be assessed for most probably a more useful pain medication. In my case it took them several years of different medications to find the right one, they never give complete relief although they can suppress your problems.
Now it may be possible too remove the pin as thing have moved on now over the last few years.
One of the main problems you will have is scar tissue, they may be able to give some relief there now, that may be something they could assist with.
You really need too visit the GP and ask for a further appointment with the pain clinic, also possibly a rhumatolagist, who may be able to assist.
Sadly we all need to move on with our treatments as the problems you have will have moved on over time. You can try alternative treatments, although I would suggest seeing the GP first and see what can be done the medical way first
So try non heroic ways first through your GP and progress through the system first, then look at expensive alternatives if needed later.
All the best

Hi BoB I was there few wks ago an the doc was new an he didnt have a clue they keep passing me from piler to post, I feel like they dont know what to do with me, they wont take it out as they will need to open the front of my leg am at a dead end (sorry for the spelling) xx
Hello Bob here
If you are having problems with the GP, how many of them are in the practice ??.
See a different one in the same practice.
If you do not get any satisfaction at this practice you can change Practice. You will find a list of them on NHS CHOICES site, they have a directory of all in your area.
What you are after is a second opinion and or an appointment with a Rheumatology Dept or a further appointment with the Pain Clinic as I feel you need now be looked at for further treatment. Our conditions move on over the years. and possibly require a fresh look.
Good luck, be persistent
Sorry to hear of your pain.... We all just need to get ways of controlling our pain, if it's with pain relief, tens machine, hot water bottles, accupuncture...etc etc.
Even with pain relief and everything else in place, the pain may still be there.
Take care.
Hello chels27
Pat here.
I shattered my ankle back in Australia almost 3 years ago. Pins, plaies screws and assorted metal ware put it back together. I was in fact very lucky not to lose at least my foot. Brilliant surgeon! As the bones healed the outside of my ankle was a constant pain. 18 months later the surgeon removed those plates and pins as the bones and tendons were competing for space. Tons of physin and I mean tons and now 19 months on now pain that side whatsoever.
You said you had the plate removed from your shoulder? Well maybe time to look at your leg.
Get yourself a second opinion.
Is there any way you can get back to the surgeon who first did the op?
Pain management is just that. Drugs, therapy, pacing yourself and finding the right balance. Be a pest and keep asking for help.
Good Luck.
Pat x
Just to make your toes curl - my niece had a rod inserted through her knee cap down to her ankle when she broke her leg.
Over the next 5 years it caused her enormous probs and pain. When eventually they decided to take it out, not only was it bent but it was like a screw!
They had to unscrew it inch by inch an op took 4 hours!! She has been pain free ever since too!.
Pat x
What have you tried? There are options in the Buddhist Meditation and Mindfulness department. There are also options in the McTimony Chiropractic and Alexander Technique department.
None of the above may give you painfree, but they could get the pain to a low enough level to enable you to function better.
Reply to this if you want to know more.
Sorry to hear about your pain, I agree with Bob and Pat keep on at the doctors and specialists and do not be fobbed off. We are all so British when it comes to accepting what we are told and thanking people for their time but sometimes we just have to be obstinate in a polite way. Ask to be referred back to pain clinic and before you go write a list of the things you struggle with the most. Sometimes we get given the strongest of drugs but they are not as effective as the simplest of medications. Like tramadol that I struggled on with for weeks before the pain clinic advised me to take them with paracetamol and suddenly they started to give me some relief.
On the non medical front, a jacuzzi or hot bath, hot water bottle or electric throw will all help ease things for a short time.
Hope you have some positive help with your pain relief just keep on nagging till you do.
There are 2 topical things that might be worth you trying. Both work well for me and I am on very high med levels for central pain and multiple biomechanical disorders. Firstly LIDOCAINE (VERSATIS) patches, on prescription they contain a local anaesthetic. You can wear up to 3 for 12 hours. At night I put them on my three most painful places and they work wonderfully. Your GP may balk at the cost: £7 a night but you are suffering so much you can argue for the NHS spending that much!. Secondly BIOFREEZE gel, available from Amazon. Cold signals reach the brain faster than pain signals. The gel knocks out the pain signals. You apply the gel topically and apart from the first 2 minutes there is no cold feeling but I get 6 hours pain relief. This stuff works far better than any of the cold sprays and gels from the chemist. Your meds: dihidroccodeine and pregabalin is in fact a very low level of meds and Bob is right, a pain clinic should review you. As a personal example pregabalin put loads of weight on me now I take topiramate which is very effective as a neuropathic painkiller. When I finally caved in and took tramodol I had no adverse effects and my quality of life improved greatly. There are 300 medications out there. We have 5 different pain receptors in the body, my pain consultant told me we need to take a drug for each. They don't have one for the fifth, it is marijuana. What I am saying is please don't lose heart: there are many options out there. I personally have a much better quality of life now than 5 years ago. Wishing you luck and wishing you well, Bowbells.