I have been suffering with chronic pain syndrome for the last 4years after undergoing tests and lap surgery I was diagnosed last year with CPS. I've tried many tablets including garbapentin, tramadol & cocodomol but the last 6months ive been on Amitriptyline which has really helped, however I seem to be suffering the last week or two with pain, and feeling very low and irritable, almost like I have severe PMT I have no motivation to do anything, I was made redundant a few months ago and currently in a temporary work which I hate. I think a mixture of things is causing things to be difficult for me at the moment and my pain is worse because of my low mood and anxiety. Normally I can seem to pick myself up off it and carry on but I haven't been able to this time, advice would be grateful x
Feeling fed up: I have been suffering with... - Pain Concern
Feeling fed up

it may be a good idea to ask the GP and Specialist to arrange a referral yo a Pain Clinic, they will give coping strategies and go through your medications etc
Lack of motovation goes with territory I am afraid
I'm with Bob here. Referal to pain clinic who can advise, jiggle meds and offer a mixture of meds and other therapies.
You say you arein a job and not happy? Stres will cause your muscles to tighten and pan. Acupuncture is a great way to untie all those knotty muscles. Again through the pain clinic althogh private isn't costly.
Is it possible to hae a bit of time away from work? Take a break and rduce stress? Of course you have to go back.
Pacing yourself is number one rule. Stop before you start hurting. Easier to control pain before it gets higher upthe scale. Again easier to say but it does work.
And smiles - daffs are comingout.
Pat x
Hi there I was feeling down, low and depressed last week too, very low in dead. I accidentally ran out of one my pain meds and I went into withdrawal and by the time I got my meds I thought I should keep going without because I had gone through the worse. Well the good news is that I'm feeling so much better an not so tiered and in more control.
I'm not saying you should come off your meds at all I just want you to no that your not alone and we are here to help you through the good and bad times.
Remember what makes you happy and try your best to move towards these things and smiling is free and makes a lot of people happy.
Good luck