Its not what you know.....: Recently I wrote to... - Pain Concern

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Its not what you know.....

ZedT profile image
16 Replies

Recently I wrote to our local MP to highlight the current situation with PIP applications. i wanted him to look into this, possibly raise my concerns with other ministers, and approach ATOS with a query as to why I and so many others have been waiting months and months before our application is even looked at.

He was very kind and wrote to me straightaway promising to raise the issue and to make an enquiry for me. Within a week i had another letter with a letter from ATOS enclosed apologising for the delay in my application and promising to write to my Drs for information straight awa! WOW....good work local MP! TWO DAYS later I had a letter from the surgery saying they had received a request to access my records from ATOS!

So for all you people out there waiting patiently, try your own MPS to see if they will help. I cant say that the wait wont be long after the assessment, but i will just ask my MP again.

Just a couple of things more to add on this subject. I went to my GP last week for three things: to update and make accurate my medical records, to look at my medication and discuss my lymphodema and to ask for support in my application for PIP. When it came to the latter i was TOTALLY SHOCKED at my GPs response.

This is word for word what she said when I told her I had made an application, and written to my MP. "I don't approve of PIP. As a taxpayer, why should I pay for other people to have time off sick?"

What do you think of that then?!!!!

I was so shocked I couldn't speak. I tried to mumble that I wasn't off work sick, I had reduced my hours (in actual fact my manager is off for a couple of weeks so I am working every single day except Sunday for three weeks....needs must :( )....and she interrupted me to tell me in a very terse manner that a letter had been posted to me asking for my consent to release my records (you know....those ones which haven't been filled in properly, and scans, Xrays and requests for referrals are missing from). I have never claimed a penny in benefits and have worked for the NHS a good portion of my life.

I am really offended by her statement and what she is implying. (Just before this she had said regarding my swollen feet and legs, that the only solution was to put them higher than my head. Like i haven't tried to do that already. (She has been in trouble for her brusqueness and upsetting patients with her remarks before, and had to formally apologise on several occasions).

I despair of these GPS tbh. After finding out from my Neurosurgeon that I should have been on Lyrica as per his instruction to the GP three months ago, and my MRI wasn't missing at all, they just didn't request it, I am giving up dealing with them. I am changing surgeries, BEFORE I consent to my records being released. I am making an appointment with a new Dr from a new surgery and explaining my difficulties to them. A new broom sweeps clean.

Just thought i would let you all know.

In other news....I am back in BED! Fabulous. sort of. Finding it very uncomfortable first thing in the morning, but it is definitely better than the "throne" on the settee. Have been taking Lyrica for a week now, so too soon to tell about that, but side effects are few so that's good. Was given Naproxen's rubbish and didn't work so i'm not bothering.

All thoughts on these issues most welcome, hope everyone is doing ok and finding some happiness in each day.:) Z x

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ZedT profile image
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16 Replies
ZedT profile image

PS: STILL no referral for pain clinic.....GP is waiting for neurosurgeon to do it.....i told him this, and he will write to them. Lets hope they read the letter unlike the last one eh?! ;)

Calceolaria profile image
Calceolaria in reply to ZedT

Again, nonsense! Everything comes back to the GP to do, or should! Well done the neuro for agreeing to do their job for them.

ZedT profile image
ZedT in reply to Calceolaria

I know, what a shambles eh? Sometimes i feel like Im swimming through mud to move forward with my treatment. When i write all the blunders and lies down, it is a pretty shabby picture i can tell you. Might just do that actually and send it to the Practice Manager...

Calceolaria profile image
Calceolaria in reply to ZedT

Good luck Zed. Glad to hear GP retiring. I'm sure everyone in public service could feel sour and cynical - but not so much towards the public!

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to ZedT

I'm surprised the GP thought the Neuro would refer to Pain Clinic - in our area they don't seem to do any consultant to consultant referrals - you always get sent back to GP with a letter asking the GP to sort out the next referral.

in reply to ZedT

Hi ZedT, would we be able to feature your post in our magazine? That's a great result with ATOS. Shocking from your GP, though. Let me know:



Bananas5 profile image

Well done MP.

Have you actually got your hands on PIP now?

Pat x

ZedT profile image
ZedT in reply to Bananas5

oh no Pat....we are a long way from that yet! LOL And tbh i don't expect i will qualify as Ive heard it is very tough and you practically have to be in a wheelchair or worse to get any help! BUT, an assessment date should be forthcoming once i sort my GPs out. I'm expecting the worse and hoping for the best and that's all i can do :) x

Bananas5 profile image

You do know there is a huge backlog? Up to 10 months for new claimants? I am on the old DLA and mayby by the time we get our migration over to PIP in 2017 it jutst may have caught up.

Yes i have heard it is horrendous purely cos it has to cut 20% of bil for 18 - 64 yr old. Nothing to do with need.

Stay posiitive,.

Pat x

ZedT profile image
ZedT in reply to Bananas5

Yes, that is what I wrote to my MP about Pat. I think it is an inhumane outrage. I have been waiting (and still am) for only five months, but that is going to be longer despite my MPs actions, because ATOS have only just written to my GP. I have given them a whole list of other people to write to, and I ring to update them every so often. I am not holding my breath, but i just thought it was VERY coincidental that i received a letter from ATOS telling me they have written to my GP when a few days before my MP had contacted them. Hence the Its Not What You Know theme to my post. I will stay positive. For me PIP is not essential yet as I am managing to work. God only knows what other people do who cannot.

Poppy_Ann profile image
Poppy_Ann in reply to ZedT

you are lucky in waiting only 5 months i was waiting for 18 months just to get them to send me a application form, now i have been waiting for close to 6 months since then to get a reply, when i eventually managed to get through to them they told me they have not looked at my claim as they believed i was not entitled to it with my being out of the country to long (you have to be in UK 2 out of the last 3 years) i told them i had been but in the end they would not believe me until i managed to get copies of my flights for them then they said they will now take a look at the claim that was in december i keep phoning them to try and hurry them up but all they say is it is in the system but they have had a lot of applications so they are a little behind in processing them and all i can do is wait.

i hope you get yours sorted out faster than mine.

regards Poppy Ann.

Calceolaria profile image

Tell your appalling GP that you also paid your own taxes thanks and probably helped pay for her to qualify to be a menace to vulnerable people. Or if not you, your parents did. What a disgrace! Complain, please!

ZedT profile image
ZedT in reply to Calceolaria

Don't worry, I have done. She retires soon too, so the nonsense, from her at least, will end. Its a shame, because I have known her since she worked in our DGH ( when i was a student nurse) and she never used to be like this. She was always a little eccentric, but caring, with a sense of humour. It seems life has made her cynical, and she is out of date. She deals with children mainly at the practice, and the last appointment i had was with my little one. I went with my husband and Lily and she was lovely to lily, but made a bit of a blunder thinking that my husband was my son!!! She was very quick to apologise and backtrack when she realised her mistake. i wasn't offended that time, as my husband is younger than i am, and it was a little bit amusing to see her squirm! there was a junior dr with her in the appt who looked horrified! But it didn't bother us. However, her opinions and assumtions aired so tactlessly made me very worried regarding any report written to ATOS, and I found her implications that i (or ANYONE claiming PIP for that matter) was some sort of work-shy scrounger living off her taxes i found to be truly offensive. My hubby was livid when i told him. God speed her retirement date.

Good news! Def complain about the GP. It's not their place to voice personal opinions to anyone let alone a patient while working on NHS time. And if she/he feels so strongly about it, why are they in a profession that facilitates the PIP payments, or a job that pays 40% tax? Does not compute

earthwitch profile image

Thats the kind of thing I always let my MP know about too - they can't always do anything, but if a number of their constituents tell them about problems they will often raise the issue.

ZedT profile image

I must make it clear that I have not yet had my PIP assessment date, so my efforts have not yet been totally successful, and in no way have i been "fast tracked" through the process- this is due in part to my GPs not yet returning their "report" on my medical history to ATOS.

However, I rang DWP PIP and spoke to someone who declared themselves to be my Case Manager a few days ago- a very empathetic man, who listened as i explained the problems i have been having with my GP.

He agreed that in this case it would be appropriate to write to other people involved in my care, such as the Continence Advisor, the physio and the NHS Health and Wellbeing Assessor, to obtain supporting evidence and a more complete picture of how I have been struggling at home.

Although this means my claim may take even longer, at least I know that my evidence will be properly presented, and should be more effective in giving ATOS information on which to base a decision. I am happy with that, as my GPs attitude has worried me ever since she declared PIP to be a benefit for people trying to avoid work. I also have explained this GPs attitude to the Case Manager. Of course, I am very concerned as to how long PIP is taking to process, but I am even MORE concerned that the professionals involved in treating me give accurate and complete reports.

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