Hi all I had my pip assessment last week it wasn't as bad as expected i recieved a letter from atos to say they have recieved my report and it's now been sent for audit and checking what does this means? Thank you x
Pip : Hi all I had my pip assessment last week... - Pain Concern

Hello Paulapip
They tk a different language to the rest of us!
Glad it wasn't as bad as you feared.
It probably means the assessment is being checked for GPs comments and or consultants. Make sure they confirm what you said.
Or just goe to a Decision Maker who decides if you will get PIP or not. Don't wory all out of your hands now. Just sit back and wait some months for result.
Pat x
Im going to tell you bad and good news here. The bad news is that those reports which are sent for auditing take longer to make a decision on. They go to be checked for quality assurance and accuracy. I'm not sure who does this or how, maybe someone else on here does. But this means you could have another 6 to8 weeks to wait before it goes to DWP for decision making, then hopefully you will get a decision fairly quickly. It can take longer if they require further evidence or information from people involved in the treatment of your condition or your care. The good news is a HIGH proportion of all claims go for this auditing, so your report isn't being singled out because of any negative reasons, its simply something they do to the majority of reports. This means that its normal for claimants to wait and of course it will be back dated. If you haven't heard anything after 6 weeks give them a ring and check where they are up to. There isn't much else you can do really, its all a waiting game from here. You may be lucky and things may move quickly, its anyone's guess! Good luck, I hope you are successful and that you hear soon x
I have received my letter I have been awarded standard rate for both it hasn't been 2 weeks yet so very happy
Oh that's great news Joshua congratulations thank you for replying x
Well done Joshua3.
As for what happens next from what I understand ZedT has it. But the DWP have the right to override the decision that ATOS have got. I hope it goes well for you but it is a waiting game.
The Gov have not made the savings on the Benefit section as they wanted and are still blaming disability payments! Even though a vast proportion is paid in pensions? (They have more voters)
Be Well
Thanks for replying offcut now recieved another letter to say it's been checked and it's now back with Dwp so hopefully not much longer x
Well that sounds good...yay! You can dare to be hopeful now, my fingers are crossed for you x
Thanks will keep you posted x
I just had my assessment today in Manchester. Bit of a nightmare as I wet myself on the way there and had to change, and again in my assessment! But my assessor was lovely, an RGN, and she said she could see I was in too much pain to examine. It seemed she listened to me carefully and wrote lots of things down. So now , like you, I'm playing the waiting game. I hope we both have luck on our side and we get our answers quickly. Please do update us when you receive your decision. Take care, Zoe x
I have heard another company not ATOS going to be doing them from now on is this correct and there is a back log of at least 18 months does anyone know if this is correct I have higher mobility and lower care for years
Atos done mine last Wednesday I don't know much about pip sorry I'm sure someone on this very helpful site will be able to tell you x
My daughter had PIP but it was taken away from her without any notice because they said she had moved!! She has been in the same house for over five years. Resubmitted the necessary forms in February and is still waiting for an assessment. Feeling very sceptical about all of this as you can probably imagine.... in the meantime she has no money for anything.
Oh I'm so sorry for your daughters predicament have she been to citizens advise they might be able to help this is awful news I know a lot of people have had their benefits stopped since all the changes with the system but not coz they think she have moved! She still shouldn't have had her benefit stopped even if she did I hope she gets sorted soon x
Thank you. She has had help from Carers UK in reapplying but the way in which her benefits were stopped just like that has always seemed really suspect to me. Where has her money been going all this time, I wonder!
They are making a decision as to what to recommend to DWP, Atos usually makes a recommendation to DWP.whi are the decision makers.I do hope you hear good news.
I had my assessment done recently and the guy that assessed me this time round under PIP was much more understanding about my condition as well. I did mention that under DLA the assessment carried out by the same Atos was diabolical.I told him how the pain affected my life and my family and my day to day existence.I also supplied the Surgeons letter re my upcoming Rach caterter injection. They replied within two weeks and I get to keep the motability car as I have mobility problems. I had to appeal the DLA decision when the car was taken off me and I won that, was ready to do battle again but this time they seem to have seen sense.Good luck and be prepared to fight your corner.Happy to help if need need be.