Hello,This journey against ovarian cancer stage IV with bcra1 mutation started in June 2016, with chemo, debulking hysterectomy surgery and more chemo...stayed in avastin and then olaparib as maintenance until
had a reocurrence in February 2022, spread to collarbone lymph nodes and tummy.Lost for the second time all my hair with carbo/ taxol/ avastin even with cold cap.
This year there was progression of disease in the lymph nodes around pancreas, peritoneal area and colon...Very small lesions and spread making surgery not an option.
I'm still asymptomatic thanks to Olaparib and Avastin.
Just got my hair back, didn't came as it was before. this second time came much thinner.
It might sound redundant as im facing serious illness: I really don't want to loose this hair.
Doctors are suggesting to change treatment to caelyx and I have requested cold cap .They say cold cap is not used with caelyx because doesn't causes hair loss...
I have read that can cause hair loss and thinning.
Any advise or sharing of experience would be much appreciated.
Big thank you 🌸