Diagnosed with OC or possibly PPC in April last year, had chemo and op and was clear in Nov, went for 3 month check in Jan and was told that the CT scan showed a mass in the liver but my CA125 had gone down to 15 (I had specifically acked for the scan, they were just going to do the blood test) anyway they decided to do a liver biopsy to make sure what they were dealing with, went for the results of that yesterday and was told these were inconclusive! So still not sure if OC come back in liver or primary liver cancer. It now has to be discussed with histologist, who will look at my origanl cancer again and compare it to the new one.
However it is most likely to be a return of the OC, which is not good news to have happened so quickly, therefore might be very resistant form.
The treatment that has been suggested is something called ECX (epirubicin, cisplatin and capecitabine) which having read the information leaflet is usually used for stomach and gullet cancers, but I presume they know what they are doing.
I wondered if anyone else has had this treatment and how they got on?
On the bright side, I managed to negotiate with the doctor a delay in starting the chemo (which to me feels like a reprieve from and death sentence) for another month, as I am well at the moment.
The plan is to have a scan in 3 weeks to see how fast it is growing, then go from there. It's like constantly being on a roller coaster and just when you think you might be able to get off for a while, it starts again.