Hello everyone,
My mum was diagnosed with cancer in 2014....they were unsure if it was ovarian or ppc but they took everything out. It was stage 3. She had chemo and was free from it for about 7 months then chemo again, then another six months free then chemo.....carboplatin and caelyx. In the middle of this treatment she had a takotsubo which is a very rare heart condition known as broken heart syndrome....this was the second one after five years as she lost my step dad. She missed one months treatment but before this at the third treatment her results were platoing. But now after her fifth treatment (well she had the scan before this fifth treatment) they say the cancer has gone a bit more into the peritoneum. So Mum has to have a further six months treatment of taxol again and the consultant said that after this the NHS has nothing more but trials.....surely if the caelyx and carboplatin were helping and starting to Plato her results then it was starting to work?? I am not giving up on this. The scan shows nothing in her organs and when we saw it they said there was a thickening in the peritoneum....there were no calcification a to be seen though. Mum has been diagnosed with stage 3 PPC but we are not sure they know what they are talking about as at first they said it was ovarian. We will not give up. Can anyone else relate please?? Your comments would be very much appreciated xxxx