Thyroid : Has anyone had problems with thyroid... - My Ovacome

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ellseybellsey profile image
14 Replies

Has anyone had problems with thyroid and myalgia post treatment Carbo/ Taxol debulking surgery then further Carbo/ Taxol.

I have posted previously about the severe upper arm pain, fatigue and other muscle pains.

Since then I have had two lots of blood tests, first tests showed inflammation in the blood and very low vitamin D, my gp then completed a thyroid test for TSH and T3 & T4 , TSH came back extremely low T4 normal T3 very high, he has diagnosed me with thyrotoxicosis and myalgia.

My first question to him was if I had a reoccurrence would this hinder my treatment, he said he was unaware, he then prescribed me Amiitriptyline for the pain then more thyroid bloods in 4 weeks to see if it is still unstable. Still keep thinking how has this came about.

Ellsey xx

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14 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Ellsey. I have an underactive thyroid, have done since 2002, 5 years before diagnosis and I believe what you have is over active. It's never hindered my treatment. Not sure whether it's the same for overactive. Definitely worth checking with your onc. Hope you are ok. Kathy xxx

ellseybellsey profile image
ellseybellsey in reply to Katmal-UK

Thank you Kathy was expecting to me the new me by now.

Ellsey xx

Lily-Anne profile image

I have had an under active thyroid since my treatment in 2012, it stopped working but now on Thyroxine, my last blood shows my levels have improved slightly and have more bloods to monitor it tomorrow.


ellseybellsey profile image
ellseybellsey in reply to Lily-Anne

Thank you, I am sure they will get it sorted out.

Ellsey xx

Yoshbosh profile image

Hi Ellsey,

Another underactive person here too! (Not much help are we?!).

I just wanted to comment to say that it's good they tested your T3 levels - I've never had that done on the NHS, only T4 and TSH, but I'm considering having it tested privately to see if my underactive thyroid is actually being treated appropriately by the synthetic thyroid hormone I've been taking for 20-ish years. I'm starting to wonder if being diagnosed with the u/active thyroid at 17 had something to do with getting OC at 38...

On a different note, I also had severe upper arm pain (painful to even get dressed in the morning), but since I started taking a vit D/calcium/magnesium supplement it has gone away. Might just be a coincidence, but the relief is amazing!

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Yosh x

Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply to Yoshbosh

Have you joined the FB group Thyroid Sexy? It's very good


Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Lily-Anne

No, I haven't heard of that one, L-A! I found the thyroid group on here and that was bloody scary, so I left quickly!

Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply to Yoshbosh

Haha yeh I don't go on there. The FB one is full of useful info no horror stories

ellseybellsey profile image

Yosh thank you for your response I was beginning to think my mind was playing tricks on me, but the pain in my arms has been dreadful. I have been taking vitamin D for two weeks so hopefully will start feeling better soon.

Ellsey xx

I think this illness is the one which keeps giving, my thyroid function is okay but I feel I have a problem. In the meantime my sugar levels havent come down after treatment so I need another test in a month or so, The aches and pains can be part of treatment, the tabs you got will help you sleep and does dull the ache but it could take a few months for these to work. soak in a warm bath with epsom salts as this does certainly help and I think someones mentioned add in breadsoda and lavender oil, Hope you see an improvement soon

Tesla_7US profile image

Hi Ellsey, The symptoms you describe are what I had for years before I was diagnosed hypothyroid (too little). I had been on levothyroxine for about 12 years before OC surgery and chemo in 2016. Chemo did not aggravate my thyroid. It stripped the magnesium from my body and I now take 500 mg magnesium daily. Hope all this helps. Tesla

Jude136 profile image

I had results of a blood test done by GP last week. Told I had an slightly overactive thyroid, which she will monitor. I also was deficient in Vitamin D and very low on Folic Acid. It is a year since I finished 6 courses of Carboplatin and Paclitaxol. For the past few months I have had myalgia which I put down to the Gabapentin I was taking for peripheral neuropathy, but since reducing my dose of that and taking Vitamin D and Folic Acid supplements for just a week the myalgia has improved. I actually managed to get up my stairs without being on all fours or pulling myself up with the bannister! I am trying acupuncture for neuropathy. Has anyone else tried it?

rppizio profile image

My Endocrinologist said that she would review each one and submit her findings to other Endocrinologists and medical journals. She has changed her protocol with her Female Thyroid patients based on what she is seeing thus far.

If you would please take a moment to do the informal survey on my website.. The site for the survey is

She feels that there is more to the thyroid - ovarian cancer connection than many doctors realize. I am determined to do what I can to help bring a change to how this disease is viewed even if it with just a few doctors at a time.. I am lucky enough to feel strong enough to do what I can to bring about some awareness to my local doctors and ask for a more proactive approach.

I am hypo(low) also... My endocrinologist is following my numbers as they have become quite out of wack since chemo. She has upped my levothryoxine twice now. I have to go back in a couple of weeks to be monitored.

pishi1 profile image

I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid at the age of 16. It was one of the worst cases in the country back in 1980. I then had a partial removal of the thyroid, followed a year later by radiation. Since then I have been on levothyroxine for 30 years and am OK. I am now underactive although the last blood test for tsh showed it was low so I am reducing the dosage to 125 mg a day. Did not have any problem when I went through Chemo but seems strange the tsh is low. Maybe that explains why I cannot sleep, have palpitations and am restless. I too feel there maybe a connection between of and thyroid.

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