Hi all, just got back from seeing my oncologist for the results of the ct scan I had last week. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear. I have ppc and the scan showed that the cancer was now in the lining round the bowel. Also my c125 as now gone up to 88 and the avastin I am on is now not working. Was told they can't operate (had debulking surgery last year) but starting a different sort of chemo called liposomal doxorubicin I was on carboplatin and paclitaxel last year which I finished at Christmas. Has anyone else had this. I am feeling really down at the moment as I was hoping the avastin was working for me. Julie xx
Ppc second chemo. : Hi all, just got back from... - My Ovacome
Ppc second chemo.

- Cancer and tumours
- Chemotherapy
- Carboplatin
- Doxorubicin
- Paclitaxel
- Debulking surgery
- Intestinal and stomach conditions
- Avastin
So sorry you are landed with this news at the weekend. I havent had that drug so wont comment. Would you ring Ruth the Ovacome Nurse and have a chat with her. One of the ladies on here was very happy with her kindness and information during the week. She could be gone now but try her on Monday. It is disappointing but you now have another option. Perhaps check at the hospital to see if they know of any trials coming up?

Thankyou suzuki , we did ask the oncologist today about the trials but none at the moment. Xx
Ruth is her name and I imagine you can get her through Ovacome, sorry I dont have the telephone number but perhaps the lady who was talking to her might send it to you, Yes I was lucky the Avastin did keep me stable. I had mri for pain but nothing showed up but was told to have my routine scan last week as usual. So hoping that say same as mri. I know I have been incredibly lucky and I appreciate it,
Hi Julie
I think I am in same boat as you. PPC stage 4 and when I last saw oncologists my CA125 was 66. As I felt OK and had no symptoms she did not recommend a scan or chemo but now I gave a rather upset bowel and feel off. Can I ask if you had any symptoms before your recent scan? I had the same carbo/paclitaxel and debulking and was originally told I would not get that again should I have a recurrence within 6 months but my new oncologist says I will have the same should I start chemo again which looks likely. We have a cruise booked for next week and have been advised by Macmillan nurse to go on the holiday and have a scan when I come back feeling a bit scared! I am sorry the avastin has not worked I was not offered anything and have had 2 years up until now.
I hope this new drug works for you and am sorry it's back but the hopeful thing is there seems to be lots of drugs for the medics to try and keep us going.
Love and hugs
Hi juliette,
Sorry to hear you are starting chemotherapy again. I haven't had that type of chemo but try and stay positive, it is another option being offered to you. It is amazing all the different kind of chemotherapy that is available so don't be too disheartened,
Try and have a lovely weekend,
Thinking of you,
Mandy, xx
Dear mopsie, when I saw my oncologist six weeks ago he told me my c125 had risen from 30 to fifty so he said he would put me down for a scan which I had last week. Up till then I felt fine and thought the avastin was working for me. So it was a total shock when I was told yesterday that my c125 had gone up to 88 and that the cancer what was in the lining of my stomach had now got into the lining of my bowel. Now I have come off avastin and start a different type of chemo probably about the end of may. Hope that everything is OK with you when you have your scan, and please keep in touch. Have a lovely holiday and try to put it out of your mind till you come back. Lots of love and hugs. Xx
HI Mopsie,
Liposomal doxorubicin is what we know as Caelyx. If you search this site you'll find a lot of posts about it. I'm having it 4 weekly as 4th line treatment at the moment. It is also given every 2 weeks. Some people have very few side effects, some get a rash particularly on hands and feet. I do have a rash on my legs, (though not itchy, doesn't look great) and a sore mouth but am managing these side effects. I've kept my hair, it hasn't even thinned. Good idea to chat with the nurse as Suzuki suggested. Best of luck with treatment. Cathanne
I have been diagnosed with PPC stage 3c and only on my second line of chemo. I have been told I will have three then surgery.
I have been told I will go on Avastan for 12 months post surgery, I did read the other day that some people with PPC have
Intrapenerial chemo when the cancer has gone onto the peritoneal, perhaps speak to your medical team.
Hugs Ellsey
Hi ellsey, that is good news you can go on avastin as a lot of people can't get on it. I didn't have hardly any side effects with it just felt a bit tired but nothing major. Also you don't loose your hair. Yes I am going back on chemo as the avastin as stopped working, my c125 was going up again, I was really upset as I felt fine and I was on my seventh lot of avastin. I should have been on till October. But like cathanne said in her post, the chemo I am going on doesn't give you many side effects so fingers crossed. Love and hugs juliexx
Hi Juliette,
On the top right hand corner where you see 'Search My Ovacome' type in Caelyx and different posts from those on Caelyx will come up.
I feel very well in the second 2 weeks, I hope you do too! Cathanne
My understanding is that there was a shortage of Caelyx for some years but it is widely available again.C