my latest news: Well ladies, I have had a full six... - OvaCare


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my latest news

11 Replies

Well ladies, I have had a full six months first with Radiotheraphy and then as a result horrible diahroea. I wasn't well going for the Rt but it seems that wasn't picked up in Dublin. I coped with the side effects as best I could. It was a nuisance and my appetite just went. So back to my own Oncologist as planned he took one look at me and wondered how I was still standing. So he ordered bloods and my potassium levels were so high, I got a phone call to attend A and E immediately. I was admitted to the Oncology ward and the Renal and Eurology teams called in. I was taken to have a Nephrostomy which wasn't very pleasant but essential to save my kidney. I am one of the lucky ones who hadn't been in hospital since 2006 so I was actually in shock. I was put on all sorts of drugs by iv and nebulizer. I was imagining all sorts of things with the steroids. So when my bloods settled, I was brought back down to see if they could internalise all my attachments with a stent. That worked thankfully but then I had a tube for another few days, I was made eat and given Fortesip which I am still on. My appetite recovered and eventually the tube was tested with the stent. all worked so the tube was taken out. The main worry about this is that I only have one functioning kidney the other had never developed from childhood. I was in hospital for two and a half weeks. The nurses were kind but only two qualified staff on by day one plus HCA at night. There was a night supervisor who clearly didn't get involved with the patients. Since my discharge I had a CT SCAN the cancer is still contained but I have to start Gemzar in the next few weeks to keep me well. I know it could be a lot worse but I am here and ready to fight again.

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11 Replies
NotHappy56 profile image

Glad you are feeling better. I was just in the hospital for 3 days due to severe diahrea. Had tests run. It came back I have c. Diff. Was put on anti biotics. Hospitals are no fun. Back home now but feeling cruddy. Today is my birthday. Made it to 57. Stage 4.

in reply to NotHappy56

Good on you, I am in the older bracket and had a birthday while in hospital. I wouldn't open any cards that were brought in thought it better not to have hysterics on the ward. So it was more fun opening them when I came home

Onia_cat profile image

I can imagine how hard all this can be for you. But I'm glad to hear that treatment is working. I wish you all the best.

in reply to Onia_cat

yes that is the thing to focus on. and I am trying to do that most times succeeding but have down days but I wont be hard on myself

annieH1 profile image

You've had a really awful time.Its lucky your Onc is on the ball.As you said you haven't been an inpatient since 2006 which is fantastic and gives hope to all of us.I hope Gemzer won't be too severe on you.Your so lucky you have a wonderful family to support you and gorgeous grandchildren.The staff shortages are getting worse in that hospital.The good staff are great and give you a wonderful sense of well being but unfortunately the staff are not always sympathetic to the patients needs.I. Glad your back eating again it will give you a chance to build yourself up.Remember to eat the chocolate😀It tastes better than those Fortesip drinks !!🤢

You'll be around a long time yet ,so polish off your boxing gloves xxx

in reply to annieH1

Thank you, yes I have opened chocolates my brother brought me from Nice, they are scrumptious. Well I got my review form from HSE and I completed it about my patient experience. So one thing was staff shortage and as patients were aware of this I for one did not want to use my call bell only as a last resort. Another thing I commented on was lack of communication between various medical teams. I was bold enough to sign the form with my date of discharge and I signed it. I was getting my bloods done today in the South and was speaking to the phlebotomist. I told her what I wrote and she said proper order, her daughter works in another hospital and is heading off as soon as she is qualified. She told me that if you actually complete the form it is better than doing it on line, they have to read it and consider my comments. Also it could lead to changes in staffing. No better woman than myself to comment. Yes I was extremely lucky this was spotted in my bloods. I am eating well, doing my best to get around with my little stick and hoping that the Chemo will improve mobility more. There is actually a course coming up in UCC in September run by the Irish College of Gynae Surgeons. It includes a more holistic and sympathetic approach to patients. One of the counsellors in the hospital said that it was for patients as well. Not sure if I would be up to it but I must google it. Hope you are keeping well.

julia8163 profile image

I want to wish you all the best and looking forward to meeting you at the next coffee morning. Stay strong.

Thank you, I will do the best I can that's all we can do. Hope to make next coffee morning too

Lorent profile image

Hi joan, wishing you well, you really have been through the mill, sending love and prayers

Loren x

in reply to Lorent

Thank you Lorent, I haven't been on a lot on the site as just too tired. Had one cycle of Gemzar and five more to go. I am moving around a lot better now, going to physio and that is helping. Hope you are doing okay

Lorent profile image
Lorent in reply to

I've been finding my 3rd line difficult I'm now on carbo/gem, but on 3rd cycle had a reaction to carbo, as my son is due to get married on the 16th Aug in the uk, the team are discussing weather it is best to leave chemo until after the wedding, I have had blood and platelet transfusions so the way I am feeling I think it might be a good decision.... Hope the gem is kinder to you, keep well

Loren x

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