the beast has returned: Well got official... - OvaCare


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the beast has returned

24 Replies

Well got official confirmation that I have a recurrence, its not a huge one and my scan was discussed at mdts and at another hospital to see if radiotherapy is possible. However there is some disagreement because the tumour is near the kidney area so need a petscan to see if rt can be done without damaging my kidney, I think I would prefer my kidney not to be fried. So petscan should be next week and they will then see what the best course of action will be. In the meantime, just in case, I am booked also in for chemo provisionally as there is a waiting list of a few weeks should the petscan show rt isn't an option, I am upset but what does a girl do? I am hoping that I will be able for patient day in Limerick in May and for now I also intend to continue on with Isgo ppi. Usually my chemo unit is flexible with treatments and my Oncologist is supportive of my involvements. The chemo if it goes ahead is Carbo which I responded well to before. I did remember to ask about braca testing but for some reason there was no form for me to sign in Clinic today. Apart from all this I am okay I may be a bit down but not defeated

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24 Replies
chrissapam profile image

am so sorry...but pleased to see your positivity....just wish we could control this thing! love Chris xxe

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Lovely,

So sorry it has returned, but it sounds like you have options going forward and a positive attitude, you are a strong lady and have a lot to fight for.

A girl only fights on, no option to give up and I know you will,

Love and best wishes,

Carole xx

julia8163 profile image

Hi Suzuki, I am so sorry to hear your news, stay positive and hopefully see you in limerick. Sending you a big hug.

Hi Suzuki, Sorry to hear you have a recurrence but glad your oncologist is supportive and a plain will be put in place, I know you will be positive and defiantly not defeated.

Take care Lorraine xx

estherg profile image

Hi Suzuki,

So disappointing to have a recurrence and very upsetting. Hope you are feeling ok and hopefully things will happen quickly and with out delay. Stay strong and everyone is wishing you well. Esther xxx

ellseybellsey profile image

Ah Suzuki

I am so sorry to hear you are having to go through this again, I was very sad when I heard I had a recurrence, however once I got my treatment plan it seemed to take a lot of the anxiety.

I have been waiting for different test results over two months, but the pet scan took 3 weeks to come through then it was to late for the Friday MDT meeting, so had to wait until the following Friday.

My recurrence is in vaginal vault and a couple of lymph nodes, I am very fortunate to be getting surgery, but haven’t seen my onc yet to discuss chemo, my surgeon just said I will be getting chemo post surgery.

You are an inspiration to a lot of us ladies on here, and I know you’ll have those big girls knickers on again ready for the fight.

Ellsey xx

dryden1 profile image

Really sorry to hear this, you are so supportive of the other women on this forum, always give good advice and your kindness shines through in your posts It is good that there appear s to be treatment options. Let us know what is decided. Love Chris

annieH1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,I know your a little down now,you've fought this twice before and conquered the are strong and positive,I keep you in my prayers .x

Carolito profile image

Sorry to hear that.

gemmamckevitt profile image

Sorry to hear about your recurrence but at least you are getting options.Hopefully the treatment will work and that it won't be too severe. I had ovarian cancer 15 years ago and an unrelated bowel cancer 11 years ago. Thankfully I am well and not on any medication. Keep your heart up and take whatever TLC is available. You're worth it! Gemma

Suzanne333 profile image

So sorry to hear the bugger has reared its ugly head again. It’s small. They’re onto it. It’s always a huge disappointment. It’ll be zapped again. Keep positive. We are all here for you.

Very big hugs. Xxxxx

coksd profile image

So sorry to hear this, positive thoughts xx Carbo is supposed to be great I was on it with taxol and any side effects I reported seemed to be from the taxol hope you keep well during treatment,

HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Joan,

Just checking in and saw your post I am very sorry to hear you have to go back on the treatment train but no better woman to face it calmly and with determination! Wishing you the very best of luck and sending you lots of virtual hugs until I see you to give you a real one!

Take Care!


in reply to HogwartsDK

Hi D nice to hear from you, my dread is actually the pet scan and I have got a cancellation for Friday, its either chemo or radium anyhow so hopefully I wont light up too much on Friday

Lorent profile image

Hi Joan

So sorry to hear you are having a recurrence again , but you are such a strong and determined woman, you will beat it again..... You are such an inspiration to many of us on here with your kind words of wisdom, sending virtual hugs, you are in my prayers .

Loren x

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi Joan

So sorry to hear of your recurrence but I’m sure you will get through it with that special brand of courage you have. You are so kind and helpful to so many it’s our turn to get behind you now. Your team is on the ball and you have an optimistic outlook. I know you will make the right decision with their help. Meanwhile we will say a special prayer for you. I will look forward to meeting you in Limerick. Take care.



marymarcy profile image

Sorry to hear that Joan. Hopefully the carbo will do the trick and not be too tough.

Hertsmum profile image

Just back from holiday and catching up, so sorry to see your post you have done so well after avastin I hoped it wouldn’t come back for you. It sounds like your team are on to it and considering all possible options, once you have plan decided you will feel better I hope. Have never had a Pet scan, hope the lights are very dim and sparse! Thinking of you

Madeline xx

in reply to Hertsmum

Hi Madeline, I was lucky to get a cancellation so its all done and dusted since Friday now to wait for the results. I had hoped against hope for a longer break but look I was lucky so far. Hope the luck wont run out yet

MarieRB profile image

Hello, Suzuki - have just joined this forum, and I also hope to attend the Limerick event in May, and hope to meet up with others. Currently going for session 5 of 6 chemo sessions, second time around. First time was back in 2012, followed by a year of Avastin. Then clear until last year. Having exactly the same treatment as before, but it's harder! But also I'm older! Blessings and the needful gifts of endurance, patience and courage to you. MarieRB

in reply to MarieRB

I think you hit my worry on the head, I did have carbo before but that was back in 2010 and wonder how will I cope with it now. Had petscan got cancellation for Friday so all is left is the med meeting tomorrow and then I will know. To be honest, I do wonder if Carbo would be more beneficial in case some other bits tend to wake up. Yes we do need all you mention, I do hope to get to Limerick as well, depending if its not a sicky day, hopefully meet you then

jools53 profile image

Go girl, just another day, you can kick it’s ass again & again ! It does pull you down but Hey! We get up and an off we go! Still on avastin no 16 ! Still nodules ca rising etc ! Looking Reading about virothearpy! Virus! Interesting uk ! Mars den ! 😘

Jo-Jo1-UK profile image

So sorry to hear you’ve had a recurrence. Despite being understandably upset you sound quite positive and strong which all helps to get you through the treatment if they decide to go ahead with it. Hope all goes ok with PET scan and you have a definite plan of action soon! Take care, Jo xx

JanePW1965 profile image

Sending positive vibes Joan. Jane x

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