Posts - Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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All posts for January 2020

Silent Reflux

Hi All 5 years out from IL op and still getting night time silent reflux, take b...
Billings profile image

Omeprazole dizziness?

Hey all, I've been on omeprazole for around 2.5years to treat severe reflux. For...
K1990 profile image

Is there an operation to cure a hiatus hernia?

Is there a surgical cure for a hiatus hernia?
Miseria profile image
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Joint pain sore feet, frozen shoulders

Any connection to PPI medication?

Depression connection?

Anyone concerned about a connection between PPI medicines, ranitidine and depres...

Please help with an advice

I had to call an ambulance on friday.They took me to the hospital.I was spitting...

Heartburn, help!

I have been on 15mg Lansoprazole for over two years for heartburn and reflux due...
Freysimo profile image

Advice re acid reflux?

I'm new to this site. I've been having problems with what I think is acid reflux...
DCartmel profile image

Confused about Barrett's 'disappearance'!?

Had a god awful gastroscopy yesterday and was very surprised that the nurse fail...
pffft2017 profile image

Urgent advice please re; gastroscopy throat spray

I have a severe reaction to novacaine but I'm okay with the local the dentist us...
pffft2017 profile image


As Mark Twain said The reports of my impending death are greatly exaggerated Jus...
Bazzer2003 profile image

Pain and shortness of breath gut pressure

Hi everyone I suffer from copious mucus but no one really seems to know where it...
carolg1 profile image

Upper esophagus problem croaky voice Cough etc

I’m under investigation with an appt at ENT on Monday and worryingly with an Onc...

Really appreciate your sharing of experiences

After 6 weeks of swallowing probs I had a chest X-ray..clear and recently had a ...
Bazzer2003 profile image

Smaller pancreas than normal

Hi, my thoracic surgeon advised me yesterday that my pancreas is smaller than no...
Tootall profile image

Thank you

I would just like to say thank you so much to you all for taking the time to rep...

Obtaining travel insurance after Ivor Lewis

I am hoping to go abroad this summer to Portugal. This will be the first time we...
Johrene profile image

Burping. Belching pocket of air uncomfortable

It’s been 7 months since my operation to replace my oesophogus with my colon, I ...
Zantri profile image

Boosting immunity before chemotherapy / radiotherapy begins: any advice? Does anyone ask for Vitamin B12 to boost immunity?

Alan should start his 12 weeks of chemotherapy / radiotherapy in about 2 weeks t...

Anyone using cannabis based products such as CBD, CBN or THC?

Now that Alan’s oesophagul cancer has returned/metastasised, this time to the r...

Omeprazole 80mg

Hi, I am a 52 yo male (if you are allowed to say male these days!) suffered from...
steelee profile image

Tallbear (Richard) Farewell

Hello all, Sorry to inform you that TallBear, (Richard), passed away at the end ...
tallbear profile image

Inflammed bowel

Wondering if any of you have had bowel inflammation post Ivor Lewis. I am 1 year...
Janashlin profile image

Acid Reflux and pain medication

I have severe acid reflux and am on hydrocodone for pain ( different pains). My ...
Lildarlin profile image


hi me again i had the ivor lewis op 2 years ago . ,recently after eating food wi...
rasor profile image

Total gastrectomy medication

I had a total gastrectomy 7.5 years ago and have suffered with swallowing issues...
Golf1910 profile image

Help and advise

Good morning everyone I would like to say thank you all for your help and advic...
Valerie01 profile image

Whey protein supplements for weight gain

I've been reading about protein powders that athletes use to gain weight/build m...
Hogwart profile image

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