I've been reading about protein powders that athletes use to gain weight/build muscle mass. My hubby who is 7 months post IL op despite eating reasonably well is finding it difficult to maintain the weight loss never mind increasing his weight. He wasn't overweight before the op and has lost 3.5 stone overall. Does anyone know about these powders or perhaps have used them? Or should supplements like these be avoided? He has tried the usual supplements prescribed by the dietician but doesn'tlike them much as they make him feel sick. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanksgiving
Whey protein supplements for weight gain - Oesophageal & Gas...
Whey protein supplements for weight gain

I was unable to drink those type of things they made me sick. I ate cheese and crackers. Rice pudding. Milkshakes with sugar and ice cream full fat yogurts wotsits coffee with sugar. Eat small meals and have things in between such as soft fruit chocolate. Good luck try any food that he is able to eat
Hi well my husband had is IL in May in Glasgow Royal and was in intense care for 19 days
Then Enhanced Cate for three weeks then a transfer by ambulance to Larbert for another week
It’s been a roller coaster
After being overweight and then the weight loss all survivors go thru
He has stabilised around 8st 6 over the last two months
Which for him is skeletal
But he’s still here!!!
Eats tiny amounts but can tackle most things
I look in it as a bit like weaning
What doesn’t do well first time or two leave alone for a few weeks then introduce again ?
We have a really good dietician who has been very helpful
Wouldn’t try any on the shelf stuff the dietician has lots of additives on offer and you should make them your best friend!!
Also my husband has been back in hospital a couple of times with pain and they have found pancreatitis
Basically wouldn’t have mattered what I made his body couldn’t absorb ?
He now takes prescribed enzymes for ANYTHING he has to eat
So worth asking ??
Sorry for the long post it’s a very difficult and challenging journey but they are our stars
Best wishes
Thanks Fizzy 35. Right now I'm in a hotel room in Newcastle as my husband was admitted to the RVI yesterday with severe abdominal pain and being unable to eat anything without being sick. He's had a CT scan so fingers crossed (and everything else) that he's 'going to be ok
I know it is difficult when losing weight, I ate a lot of cheese, ice cream and drank beers, it took a while but eventually the weight loss stopped. Try not to get stressed about it, the worry makes you thin! Lots of food in small quantities and constant grazing. Good luck
Hogwart nice bit of advice above. Please do not worry about weight loss after the surgery, its normal. You should be seeing the dr if the loss continues over the period without stalling.
All recover differently. Primary objective after such a surgery is to stabilise the weight loss to a NEW NORMAL, and continually sustain that benchmark.
Exceptional cases patients have put on weight but as I read those are exceptions only. Majority go on lower weight and sustain that new weight as a new normal. Clothes require changing our as old sizes wont fit anymore and looks more noticable on patient. So that's one thing to change out immediately.
He is diagnosed with pancreatitis and maybe prescribed with Creon. Which many are after IL oesophagectomy, including myself.
Protein supplement made me feel nauseatic and gave me diarrhoea dumping straight afterwards.
Now I eat protein rich bars off the shelf from stores for snacks during travel etc. That's for sustenance and not for building more muscles as the whey supplement will require extensive workout for it to be useful.
And more exhaustion for your husband or myself means we will be burning more calories than he is taking so overall further weight loss.
Stabilise, sustain. Only after that experiment new things, again one at a time. As many can vouch if some thing goes wrong for example diarrhoea dumping then this will cause a dip in the weight momentarily before body bones normal again. So take a break in between new things being tried.
P.S. you got the best support from dieticians at your end. Happy for you.
All the best with his recovery.
Agree about the protein supplements.
In response to supplement question. I take a natural cellular supplement that makes your own antioxidants except Vitamin D & Omega. It is the only natural supplement approved on pubmed.gov. It reduces oxidative stress 40% in 30 days and helps your pain in muscles and joints
Its cellular so takes time. What we do takes yrs. If you want to know more Contact me on my website Miracles62. LifeVantage.com or LifeVantage62@gmail.com
Hi Hogwart
I’m 4yrs post IL and I’m just starting to put on weight very slowly - I only weigh 7 stone - I look good though and try not worry about it - it’ll take time for your husband to build himself up - I got out for a short walk every day after surgery as this helps so much - I hope your husband is ok - I live in Scotland but had my surgery at the RVI Newcastle - I received brilliant care - all the best
My husband has said he has the protein from the gym his is a coconut flavour and he said it taste like a Bounty you can get other flavours he said go to your gym explain to them what you want the protein for i.e. weight and muscle and they will give you the right one hope this is helpful
I was specifically advised not to use protein shakes after my surgery. They should really only be used as part of a weight training regimen and, at only seven months post-op, your husband should probably not be doing weight training.
I was not over weight either, but lost 25% of my body weight in the year after the op and have only regained a small amount in the last 10 years. This is not uncommon.