Morning, NRAS have put out a statement about coronavirus. I saw it on facebook . Xxxxx
Nras have spoken: Morning, NRAS have put out a... - NRAS
Nras have spoken

Is that the statement they also posted on here Allanah? It is excellent advice.

Probably 🤣 didnt see it here though !
Darling I am not going to worry about it to be honest. xxx
Yes. Think we have been through many such scares. If I catch it I did swine flu, you remember? I'll do the same... self isolate and feel sorry for myself ! I do feel sorry as some people will get sick but there are many bad viruses etc out there...
Allanah darling you'll die if you worry about it and you'll if you don't. Well that's what I think anyway. I have enough health problems to be bothered my coronavirus(which I always thought was a lemonade company. lol) xxx
So funny Sylvi, I remember the corona man well! Xx
are we showing our age when we admit to remebering it i believe you use top get 10p back on the bottles
If we catch it ....we catch it if we don’t ...we don’t ....there is absolutely nothing we can do about it except wash our hands and try to keep away from crowds...oh & stop stressing about it!
My only hope is that the politicians will now realise what a terrible state the NHS is in and find somebody, somewhere who can see a way to sorting it out...but I am not holding any breath I might have left!