Hey everyone hope you’re all ok or as well as can be.
Thought I would share my day from hell. I called my GP as I have picked up a virus which was making a rapid migration to my chest. I had a bit of a temperature as you would expect from a virus when you’re severely immune suppressed as I am. They got me in as an extra on the docs list so far so good 😊
So went in to see the doc he took my bp checked my pulse temperature and listened to my chest which was resembling a crisp packet (which is why I was there). Then the crap hit the fan I was informed that he suspected sepsis and was going to call an ambulance I basically begged him not to do that coz I didn’t think my fever was anywhere near as high as should be if that was the case. But being a patient and not a doctor I had to consider that if he was right then he would be saving my life. So out came the blues and twos with two fab ambulance paramedics who checked me over told the doc that he should have nebulised me coz I was struggling to breathe (chest infection). Anyway off to A&E sat in the ambulance for about 30 minutes before I was taken in. Then lots of bloods taken cannula put in and sat for another hour and saw a doc.
All I could do was apologise for taking an emergency ambulance for a possible chest infection and an over reaction by the GP. Long story short had a chest X-ray was given some antibiotics and sent home thank god but it took 6 hours to get to that point.
I suppose I’m moaning and have no right really but I’m soooo tired I haven’t slept a wink for 3 days now because every time I try to go to sleep I wake myself up coughing a lung.
Any suggestions how to knock myself out would be appreciated other than a baseball bat lol. I’ve tried inhaling various herbal vapours and am very sticky covered in vick.
If anyone is wondering I stopped the baricitinib and steroids on Saturday when the virus first hit me, lucky me my joints are now kicking my ass too.
The moral of this story is do as you’re told if your immune suppressed go to the GP as soon as a virus or infection hits you my only excuse was I wasn’t well enough to go on Monday and they’re not open on Saturday or Sunday. I figure if I’d have gone to an out of hours doc or dialled 111 I would probably have still ended up in A&E I’m lucky that way.