Offt! I took nova virus on Boxing day on the back of that I picked up a viral infection, two weeks later it had turned into a bacterial chest infection so antibiotics and stopped methotrexate and hydroxy but it left fluid on my lungs! GP prescribed fluid tablets so I struggled on with them for two weeks but I was getting sicker and sicker, light headed nauseous, awful fatigue and aches - checked my bp Ramipril usually keeps it around 85-90 (lower number) it had dropped to 95/60 so low for me! I decided to speak to GP and stop the Ferosomide. I still feel really poorly and it now feels like I've a urine infection brewing. I'm just fed up now! M x
What a month infections galore!: Offt! I took nova... - NRAS
What a month infections galore!

So sorry to hear of your struggles against infection. We reduce our immune response with medication to protect our joints (and other bits of the body) and then along come all these bugs licking their lips with delight at our lowered defences. Tough call.
It never rains but it pours Marie hope you get better soon, I’m just getting over a chest infection before Christmas and then a cold virus knocked the stuffing out off me and I’m not 100% yet plus my wife’s in bed with the flu since last Tuesday, thank god I got the flu jab
It's little surprise Marie. I do hope that's your lot for a good while & the urine infection clears up quickly if it develops.
Feel better soon Marie. Another chest infection burbling on here and antibiotics slowly doing their work, but its soul destroying to keep catching these things. Hope you are soon on the mend. x
Thanks guys. It turns out the water pills were maybe not the best option for people on Ramipril - it lowered my BP too much. M x
It's a bummer, but I hope you feel better soon.
Keep looking forward to feeling better. You’re getting there. I had six surgeries in two years while caring for my 90+ year old mom and no one to help. Appendix, gallbladder, D&C, large kidney stone, bladder lift, and the big one-breast cancer. I’m celebrating five years free in two weeks. Oh, and after all that, got the RA diagnosis. They say God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. I think by now a lot of us are eligible for sainthood! Have a wonderful day and feel great soon.
At least my chest X-ray was clear yeah! M x
Hi, the Bacterial infection could be psuedomonas (Maybe wrong spelling) it unfortunately comes to us who have a lower immune systetm due to other drugs like metotrexate. When our immune system is not fully working at it's best, all sorts of infections can set-in. Unfortunately our standby meds are not always strong enough to beat-off such an infection. Suggest you discuss this possibilty with your GP. It's long lasting so don't expet a miracle cure.
Sorry for the doom & gloom but you will get over it all.