In the words of Eeyore 99% chance of doing nothing. Although I’m still doing my best to do my work today despite feeling rubbish to distract myself. Only today and then off until next Tuesday.I have been feeling a bit under the weather recently and have just been diagnosed with a UTI and prescribed antibiotics which hopefully should nip the infection in the bud. Since December it seems to have been one infection after the other. Had Sinus infection, and chest infection and now a UTI. Infections usually cause me to have flare ups too and was due to have meds reviewed just before COVID-19 happened. Understandably not had that review and will just do my best to get through on the meds and pain meds I have if I can. What blinking timing hey? I have a great GP surgery and I know if really needed they can get in touch with rheumatology team but hopefully I’ll be ok until things settle once more. Just really fed up of being ill at the moment. ☹️
Another day another infection : In the words of Eeyore... - NRAS
Another day another infection

Oh bless you Gail, you are going through it at the moment, I hope the antibiotics with help improve things for you. I hope that after the end of todays work you can get some rest. I love the picture of Eyoreand summed up my legs first thing this morning which were dreadful! However I've started some chair based exercise, zumba this week and what with this and laughing at my attempt to look anything other than an un coordinated windmill with flaying hands and legs out of time with what seemed a simple few minutes of gentle rhythm. Still it got me going and I had to laugh at myself...I mean who did I think I was....a Strictly Dancer....dream on Pip! Anyway keep your pekker up and I really hope things start to turn the corner for you. Take care x
You are a star Pip. I just love your posts. You never fail to bring a smile to my face. Good for you with the chair based exercises, and Zumba! 😊 x
Thank you Gail. Now then I hope your days work is done and now it is time for you to look after yourself and your health. Maybe a lazy daisy day is in order? A bit of time for you. As for me, I shall grace the day tomorrow with another attempt at Zumba. You have to laugh, I used to be so good at dancing and enjoyed going with my friend and now look what it has come to with my wonkey legs! As I say to people I don't need others to make a fool of me when I can easily do it myself! Sending my best to you x
Yes my working day is over now Pip, been a good one though and has stopped me feeling so sorry for myself. I just need to get my hands on my antibiotics tomorrow as the GP had forgotten to send them across to the chemist. All sorted now and prescription gone over to chemist tonight. My chemist had just delivered a supply of naproxen, cocadamol and tablets for my pernicious anaemia. I usually get injections for my anaemia but due to the current situation we have been changed over to tablets in the meantime. Lots of people saying the tablets are not effective but I’ll just take them and see what happens. 😊. Just need to get my antibiotics tomorrow and hopefully I won’t need to bother my lovely chemist again for a few weeks. 😊 I have an amazing fruit box being delivered tomorrow too which I am looking forward to. No appetite at the moment though but hopefully my fruit box will tempt me. I will think of you doing your Zumba. I use to do Zumba too and my class was so tolerant of me as I have no peripheral vision at all and can’t see at all in the dark and the dance studio was really dark. My class mates always gave me a real wide birth. 🤣 Since my RA started though no Zumba classes for me anymore sadly. Have you something you are watching to do Zumba from home? Nothing wrong with having wonky legs, it means you have your own style! My style has been a waddling style with my RA feet but I think I waddle in style. 😂. xx
I wrote a post on chair based exercise the other day and people came up with lots of helpful ideas and suggestions, so I'm giving them all a go. I thought I would try a week of each and see what best suits me. So started with Zumba as I used to do salsa, merenge, bachata and lots of other Latin dances. Sorry to hear you didn't get your antibiotics today and hope the delivery is sorted. I too used to have injections for anaemia however something went wrong and I ended up having to go to a haematologist as I had a bad reaction to not the B12 but the compound the injection it was delivered in so had to stop. Very odd but my body doesn't do things by half and very oddly for some years now it has swung the other way and I have excessive off the scale readings for B12. Been told it is likely down to RD and Lupus.....oh they keep on giving don't they these immune diseases! I keep on having blood test for this and other things going on but at the moment it has all come to a halt given this virus appearing. I really hope your appetite picks up soon and a fruit box sounds good to me so enjoy! xx
Gail like you i have suffered with a lung infection since September so i know how your feeling darling. Hugs from me to you.xxx4
How are you feeling now sylvi?
It never rains does it? Hope you're feeling much better very soon. xx
I still try to remember to count my blessings every day. I managed to get to speak to a GP today which I am so appreciative of. Discovered tonight they had forgotten to send the antibiotics over to my chemist. All sorted now though and prescription sent over to my chemist this evening. Hopefully will be able to get them delivered tomorrow. I have four days off work now so can just rest and recover. Although work has done me a lot of good today, being able to focus on others and not feel too sorry for myself. What I said in the conversations is anyone guess but luckily have a really good working relationship with many of my patients. Was absolutely delighted to get regular food parcels delivered to one person today and they rang me to thank me as the first one arrived today. Made me so happy. xx