What an absolute bummer this rotten virus is. I was struck down on Sunday afternoon with what I thought was a cold. Had a fever and high temperature for almost three days. On Monday I rang 111 after a few hours they rang me back to assess me for antivirals and then again at 4.30 am from a out of hours GP to check up on me. I have to say the service was excellent no complaints. So all sorted except that my husband who also tested positive with me (which is lucky, coz we can look out for each other) had to drive to the other side of the city to pick the antivirals up as they can’t deliver. So CMDU (covid, medicines, delivery, unit) don’t deliver 😳 at least he got there and back in one piece as we didn’t have anyone else that could go to the covid ward to collect them and I wasn’t going to put anyone else at risk anyway. So day two of paxlovid and touch wood no side effects to speak of. Have to say I’m feeling rather unwell and totally p###ed off because we had an event tomorrow which normally we wouldn’t have missed for anything except this. Such bad timing we are very careful don’t usually go out much and have avoided covid until now. Hey ho I’m grateful for the antivirals and should be improving within a few days 🤞hope you’re all doing better than us atm but big girl knickers will be applied in a couple of days because an added bonus is the mother of all flares, nothing like being kicked when you’re down 🙄
Well it’s finally got me !! Covid strikes again. - NRAS
Well it’s finally got me !! Covid strikes again.

take care of yourselves and hopefully the covid will pass soon
It’s interesting though that like you - I’ve had the worst of flares following my most recent covid. It won’t let up.
Yeah it’s no fun. I hope you manage to settle your flare soon because you don’t need that. I’m thinking that mine has turned bacterial from sinuses and chest coz my runny nose and headache has turned into a bit more so no doubt crap loads of antibiotics for me too but will see how I go. We’ve had a good run I suppose but such a shame it has to be this week we are soooo disappointed not to be able to share in an event this week which maybe life changing for our daughter. Oh well we can’t go and hopefully they’ll be more occasions we can celebrate with her. That’s life I suppose.
Covid seems to hit us in diff ways. My partner had the most awful chest infection for six weeks whereas my first bout saw my back break out in whiteheads and a rash. The second put me in hospital with arrhythmia and breathlessness whereas the latest was fatigue and a light sniffle. Hopefully Spring will bring better weather and better health.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Blimey sounds as though I’ve got absolutely nothing to complain about as this is the 1st and hopefully the last bout of covid. Sorry to hear you were so poorly and it seems have had more than your fair share so hoping it’s the final time you get it too. I’m still extremely grateful for antivirals and count my blessings that things could be much worse. So won’t moan too much. Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Hope you start to feel better really soon.
It got me for the first time just before Christmas, its vile isn't it x
Hope you feel well again soon.
Wishing you and your husband a speedy recovery from covid bless you. I am so pleased that you got the anti viral assessment quickly but so sorry they couldn’t deliver them. Gentle hugs to you xx
Thanks Summerrain. I realise you have far more going on than moaning Minnie me but thank you for your kind wishes.
Sorry to hear it has got you Leics, get well soon. Sending a big hug 🤗
I hope you both recover soon from the dreaded covid. xxxxx
Oof. Take care both. Hubby had it recently and by some miracle I avoided getting it from him. I last had it in June. Sorry about the flare. Awful. Xx
Ouch, I do hope you feel better soon, these things always seem to happen at the most inappropriate times. Speedy recovery.
I had it in December, didn't qualify for antivirals, I think you are quite rare now if you havn't had covid.
Yeah it seems to be rampant again found out the in-laws have it too but they seem to be doing ok. I qualified for antivirals as I’m severely immune suppressed with hypogamma but I’m glad to have them.
Fingers crossed neither hubby or me have had covid. xxxx
I hope you both don’t get it either sylvi. It’s not nice. It’s definitely on the rise big time I think so be careful. No idea where ours came from but it found us out and my mother and father in law too and we haven’t seen them for over a week. They’re in their 80’s but seem to be having a bit milder dose than us which is good to know.
Hope your both feeling better soon 💐
so sorry for you…but at least u got antivirals. The powers that b decided that I couldnt have antivirals when I was told I must have them. However…here to tell the tale. On the positive side you will have some immunity from reinfection for a couple of months, once u have recovered. Take care
Yeah I’m grateful for antivirals and was just saying to my hubby with any luck we should have some immunity for a while but won’t be complacent about that. Especially as my body doesn’t seem to recognise infections and build any immunity to them so I can get the same thing over and over. Day 5 today and we are improving still very snotty and tired but at least my joints are a bit easier. There are so many drugs you can’t be on as far as paxlovid is concerned including steroids which I know many of us take but I haven’t had any for a fair while. People are probably being excluded because of meds for asthma, cholesterol control and heart and BP to name but a few. My immune system is why I qualified and the fact that I’m only on mtx low dose which I’ve been told to stop for two weeks. Thank you for your good wishes. I hope you manage to stay virus free.
interesting. I am on Rituximab and severely immunosuppressed. I do have asthma too …mayb that’s why I wasn’t given antivirals. Roll on the Evusheld roll out…hopefully I would b entitled to receive that 🤞. Speedy recovery
Yeah I figured there would be lots of people who don’t now fit the criteria for antivirals. If it’s any consolation they’re not very nice to take in my experience I’m having lots of issues with side effects. But still toughing it out.
oh dear…..pleased I managed without them in the end then.
Well I’m now awaiting a call back from the doctor coz to be honest I’ve had enough of the side effects they’ve made me quite poorly again today with side affects and I cannot tolerate them anymore. When the treatment is worse than the virus I have to draw the line and I’ve most definitely had enough. I feel worse now than I did at the beginning. That’s it for me no more.
Mayb u have taken enough to get you out of the woods
Now that's a proper emb*ggerance. I wish you both a speedy recovery
aww hope you both feel better soon, I tested positive on Sunday too, its my second time with covid but i've felt worse this time round. Work said I could go back tomorrow but I don't feel well enough. Here's to a speedy recovery x