Hello everyone my name is Andy, I hope this is OK it’s my first ever blog and I am new to the site.
Firstly I would like to say how marvellous the site is, and how supportive everyone is. (We are not alone, no matter how much it seems we are!)
It all began in September 2008 for me, I went to the doctors for something routine and mentioned the soreness and swelling in my hands and she sent me for some blood tests. Routine I thought, nothing to worry about, then I got a phone call from my GP wanting to see me straight away, wouldn’t say why, but I had to go now. Frightened is an under statement (especially being a man)
I went to the surgery to be told my Rheumatoid count was 200 and normal is 20, and I had RA. No, not me I thought, I am only 47, only old people get that. I was referred to the Rheumatologist at Pontefract Hospital and it was confirmed. Then the regime of toxins, steroid injections and regular blood tests began.
I started on Sulphasalazine but it made me ill so I was put on MXT tablets, 20mg weekly, Plaquenil, Diclofenac and Folic acid. I put up with the nausea for 4 days of every week until October last year when I was changed to MXT injections at 25mg and the Plaquenil was doubled to 2 tablets daily, and Diclofenac 3 times a day. I still get the nausea but not as bad, but suffer awful indigestion and the RA is now affecting my shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands and feet. Consultant is thinking about biologics now.
I was also made redundant in November 2008 so what a year that was. I was a senior manager in Transport and Logistics but can’t get a similar role. You only have to mention the dreaded RA and all of a sudden you are not suitable for the post. I have been working for my self, but have been off now for 3 months due to a “flare up”, and I am just so tired all the time, I couldn’t do a full time job any more.
I really struggle accepting that I have this illness, and get so down and feel so lonely, if it were not for my wife and family I don’t know what I would do.
I don’t mean to whinge, and sorry if I have bored you, but it is good to write this down.