I thought the first three days off champix were bad. Day four and five were mostly spent in bed. Pounding headache, upset stomach and felt like I had bugs crawling on my upper body. Yesterday the headache was finally gone but was really light headed all day. I am still a little light headed today but able to stay up and do things. Good news is I didn't smoke. I am really surprised that more people didn't experience any of this when they finished champix.
After six days of hell there is hopefully a... - No Smoking Day
After six days of hell there is hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hey reader2019 - good to read things have improved. Think our Hercu experienced similar when he stopped the champix too but it is actually nicotine withdrawal that you went/are going through not champix withdrawal so members here perhaps did not post that it was champix withdrawal but more struggling after they stopped.
Things should be much easier now, keep up the great work!

Hi Reader....It is not a train coming ...believe me...it is the true light.....from here on you will experience the true life of a non smoker...or a smoker that never want to smoke again
(I really know how painful it is/was)

And just to prove it...My post 4 years ago after stopping with Champix...
Ouch....This Is Unsuspected..!
Being a hard ass smoker for 38 years I decided to quit with the aid of Champix. This was my first attempt and genuine the first time I wanted to quit due to serious doctors warnings of COPD and all that nasty stuff our mothers said will happen if we smoke.
The quit went well and although I went through all that “weasel brain shitting and stuff” I regained my sense for life and start to enjoy the things I missed for 38 years. I never ever want to smoke again because with the energy I am feeling and knowing there is still to come I feel so much in control of my life that I can’t wait for the next day...... until 3 days ago when I stopped using Champix .
It is like day 3 after the quit 12 weeks ago but this time full force and some more..... I am living with a permanent Headache which originates in the Medulla Oblongata running down my spine leaving me with a stiff neck and shoulders. My body ache’s as though it WAS a train coming when I saw the light at the end of tunnel. Concentration is down the drain and everything taste different again. Got a bad case of Insomnia and midnight sweating......I found myself Hyper ventilating with a heart beat like a humming bird. It is almost like an anxiety attack, something I never experienced !!!
Living in the subtropical Africa I am used to the tropical diseases like Malaria, Tick fever and even Bilharzia. This is exactly the same symptoms but tested negative. (We keep home kits because the GP is not just around the corner)
The best of all is that there is Zero craving for a cigarette..... Maybe should Just take on the 200 km and see my GP.........
And I never saw my GP and started felling better after 7 Days...

Thank you Hercu. This sounds familiar. Hopefully the good days will start soon.

O I did very much soo
I started to break the AM pill in half and took half with a full glass of water and food and the other half before 2pm Dr said it was fine to do for the whole 3 months.
Hope this helps
Keep it up👌