Hey there!
I'm currently in the process of quitting smoking and taking champix. The first while everything was going smooth. Week 2-3 the morning pill would make me super nauseous, my mouth would actually water and I was sure I was going to vomit but never did. The evening pill never did this to me. I've gotten over that side effect and am still taking them. I've smoked for going on 17 years, about id say 20 smokes a day give or take. I've cut down to about 3-4 a day depending on lots of things. What I am finding hard is giving up those 3 a day. While I'm at work I chew regular gum or use mints and keep myself busy enough or tell myself " give it 20 minutes" and usually forget about it by then. I just find the pattern or routine for me hard to break. At home however im finding it harder to keep myself busy or distracted long enough to not have a smoke, that being said I am sticking to about 3-4 a day still. I was thinking of purchasing a vape with zero nicotine fluid and starting on that at this point. Just so if im going to smoke something 3 times a day in my pattern at least its not a cigarette. Currently on week 4 with 4 more days of pills to go and I just need that extra push to quit completely. Any suggestions for that last little hurdle would be appreciated. *EDIT* I should note that anytime I do smoke, I really am not enjoying it, it doesn't taste bad but it doesn't taste good either or satisfy any type of craving for me. Its almost like im just smoking for the sake of smoking, like my mind knows I should have a smoke because im not doing anything else. lol
Thank you,