Hi. I've got nicotine patches ready to quit smoking on Wednesday. I'm worried that I'll lose my resolve and when Wednesday comes I'll be tempted to postpone my start date. Any tips please?
Hoping to quit: Hi. I've got nicotine patches... - No Smoking Day
Hoping to quit

Welcome Irish-D and congrats on making the best decision of your life to stop smoking. I am 3 and a half years smoke free after waking up in the early hours of the morning coughing and not able to get my breath. I decided there and then that a cigarette would never touch my lips again as knew they were killing me. I never looked back!
I would suggest to start now, why wait until Wednesday when you have the patches and are ready to stop. Embrace this incredible journey to a new found healthier and happier life. Its not easy and is a rollercoaster of a ride but so achievable as can be seen with our 340 members who are over a year smoke free, from 1 year to 11 years
Read up as much as you can here, especially the pinned posts as knowledge is power! Let us know how you are getting on.....
PS Are you Irish, I am from the midlands in Ireland? ☘🍀

Yes, from the north. My mam is from the midlands, West Meath.
Very good!
How do you feel about starting tomorrow instead of Wednesday?
No I think I'll stick to Wednesday. I'm not working tomorrow but back on Wednesday and everyone will be off something for Lent. My work mates will encourage me. I'm sure you feel the better for having quit
Good plan 👌 It sure is great being smoke free and one of the best achievements of my life as was an emotional smoker and smoked to get me through the day for 26 years. I was in a very dark place due to grieving a loss and smoking up to 30 plus a day prior to stopping
Looking forward to reading your day 1 post and wishing you strength for Wednesday, you CAN do it! 💪

I'm at the end of my rope and I want to quit SO BAD! All I think about is quitting, it consumes me just as much as actually wanting a puff. I want to live a heathlier life, I have no willpower. I've smoked for about 15 years, and I'm so determined to quit, this is the first time I've even googled "how to quit smoking" I'm trying to get my mind right!
I read up on it too and it helped me get into the right frame of mind. I had my last smoke last night and I'm determined not to smoke today. I know I won't. I'm sick of feeling so unhealthy so I've stocked up in fruit and salad foods and I'm going to get back out walking. Pick a date very soon and go for it. If we both quit around the same time we can support each other through it. I wrote into my workmates' group chat and warned them that I was going off the smokes in case I'm like a demon and they said I should take the week off hahaha!
I read Allen Carrs book last night and had my last one around 9:00 last night! We got this! Keep me posted how you do today! Great job!

It was grand thanks Roisin. I knew I'd strong will power today and wouldn't smoke but it was a bit of a long day. I was very aware that something was missing.

Good to read Irish-D , hope you have day 1 over you and into day 2 🤔 The feeling of loss and even a sense of grief is perfectly normal.
Just to beware with the patches you are still getting your nicotine fix which is the addictive part of smoking so when you stop the patches, you will be so to speak going cold turkey and the mental battle of not feeding the nicotine into your body will begin. So, follow the instructions with the patches stages. Don't be disheartened by this, as you have begun breaking the hand to mouth habit of smoking and not putting thousands of poisonous toxins and chemicals into your body from one cigarette which is great!
Below pinned posts are worth a read if not already done so:

Three days smoke free and I'm ready to tackle my first weekend!

Yes thanks Roisin. I was even out for a family meal last night but I decided to drive because I was afraid that I'd be too tempted to smoke if I took a drink. So far so good!
Good plan as alcohol can be the most cause of relapse early on in stop journeys Irish-D - you are doing great!!
Thanks Roisin
Over 1 week smoke free now Irish-D - how is things now?
Two weeks today. Staying strong thanks. Still on patches so not much in cravings. I'll give myself another 2 weeks on the highest strength and then move to the next one down. So far so good thanks Roisin

Oh goodness, is it really 50 days. Im still off them and doing ok. I don't bother with the patches now either. I still think about cigarettes but I just have a word with myself! Thanks for asking