On this day 3 years ago I decided for probably the 12 time 😁 to try and stop my 30 year 30+ a day habit
It was hard really hard..... some days I could have easily given in, the support I got on here got me through, reading how others were feeling the same as me and also tips on how to beat the cravings
I still can't believe I did it.... I still love waking up knowing I don't need a cigarette to get me through the day
3 weeks ago my husband finally stopped his 20 a day habit, I set him an app up so he can track his progress, he's doing great 😁
My tip to anyone giving up is stay on this site in the early weeks and months, set up an app to track your progress and celebrate every milestone no matter how small they are and give yourself a huge well done because at the end of the day you are beating a hard addiction 😁👏👏