Well, I've almost done 3 months or, according to my phone app, I have done 3 months. What actually matters is that I continue to be nicotine free. Free of nicotine. Free at last! It actually felt good to type that
One of the contradictions of my life as a smoker was being heavily into exercise yet still maintaining a smoking habit. I am ashamed to say that I would sometimes go out on my bike, find the toughest hills to ride up and how did I reward myself when I got to the top, panting and out of breath? I'd light up and have a bloody smoke behind a bush! Absolutely barking mad behaviour but addiction and habit doesn't care about common sense.
I'm pleased to say that all that secrecy and stupidity is behind me. In fact, I've never felt so fit and well. I am feeling so fit that I will be participating in the 100 mile Prudential Ride London this Sunday on behalf of Scope - the disability charity.
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