Feel better talked to the doc about my little puff yeasterday he said as long as I didn't smoke a whole cig and only took a puff I'm good to go, and he says I'm doing good as a non smoker ,so I'm countinueing my course of being smoke free, and still proud of my self for not falling into the wrong path again.
Back on track: Feel better talked to the doc... - No Smoking Day
Back on track

👏🏽👏🏽So pleased. You have worked really hard. It is very difficult when you have family drama. I got a load of flak yesterday for doing the right thing. Sometimes I feel like a punchball for my relatives. I have wanted to smoke all day. But I don't want to be a smoker, the lot that are giving me grief are all smokers. Non smokers seem more able to be fair and not play the blame game.
Remember that, smoking gives an instant feeling of release, but gets in the way of finding proper solutions.

Sorry to read of the curve balls you are encountering Cigpeace - unfortunately, we have seen it here many times, members having a brief lapse and continue on and not restart their count and keep going back to that 'puff' or just 'the one' when they come across stressors until they are back full time smoking. Its your journey but discipline is vital in recovery. Wishing you strength and success.....

Good for you!
I was already in counseling trying to emancipate myself from old angers and current problems. The plan was to sort things out and then quit. I quit suddenly and long before I had planned. But I have to say the things I learned at counseling have really helped with my quitting.

Awesome job 😊.