Hi everybody. I haven't been far away. I've been following you every day - stalking, even!
I so much wanted to join in the word game on Sunday night but had to keep my secret. Even wanted to say a 'wow' to Nozmo when he posted last night about the 'puffing polter', but decided that I should come clean tonight.
Some of you may remember that I fell at the first hurdle on my first attempt - stopped on No Smoking Day (9th March) - caved in on the 11th!
Well, I wasn't impressed! Must do better!
I'm a pretty strong person so I had to prove that I really could say, farewell fags, and mean it.
While I continued to smoke I bought the Kindle version of Allen Carr's, ' Easyway '. At first I was really disappointed. I'd read a load of waffle and testimonials and I was 22% into the book. Well, .....when are you going to make me stop?? I was beginning to get bored with my bedtime reading when something made me continue reading during the day. I'm now re-reading it, but, I stopped smoking Cold Turkey on the 25th March. (I chose that date as it would have been my late brother's birthday - no, not a smoker, heart attacks are my bag).
I really haven't suffered too many problems. During the first few days, yes, the cravings were bad. Now I have restless legs and kicky feet when I sit but that's overcome by walking. Bedtime is the worst, but it's getting better.
So here I am on DAY 12 and feeling over the moon.
I have tried telling my sister, a heavy smoker, how good it feels in the hope that I may plant the seed. No takers.
I will continue and I will succeed. I brainwash myself. Even though the first thought with that breakfast cuppa' is, yes, you got it.
I'm pretty fortunate in that I never smoked in the house. Depending on the wind direction, I was at the front porch or the back patio door. So thankfully, no smell.
I know that you are all doing brilliantly. Well I've been watching, haven't I ?
Keep up the good work and big back slaps all round from me to you. X