Hi, just found this group. Decided for the 1000 time to stop smoking but this time I plan to make it. I am posting this to Keep from going outside to smoke. If you can share your strategies on quitting smoking it would be very helpful, thanks.
Every Reason to Stop: Hi, just found this... - No Smoking Day
Every Reason to Stop

Some go cold turkey, some reduce smokes over a period of a month, some use the nicotine patch or vape, and some use Champix. I've been taking Champix for a couple months and it definitely eliminated my desire to smoke. You get to smoke the first little while you're on Champix (one pill in morning and one pill at night) but trust me, the smokes taste like an ashtray. Another strategy you might think about is the pros and cons of quitting. A huge motivator for me is saving money. In the almost two months that I've quit, I've saved $720. Good luck!
Thank you, I have being using the pros and cons approach recently. I need this to work.

Quitting smoking is hard and great at the same time. I’m glad you found the group and hope you feel welcomed. Everyone has their choice of quit so find what’s comfortable to you. I myself quit 5 times and the last was successful. I used chantix in the past and again this time. It worked for me but you have to maintain your quit. I had a careless attitude last times. I took all my mistakes from the past and now I am over a year free. I read a post to take this quit one day at a time and followed everyone’s advice. Good luck and stay in touch 🤗

Be tough and be determined. You'll have many many times you'll want to smoke, it's upto you what you do, if you want to quit then quit and don't smoke

Hi Needhelp123,
I Quit CT, and its worth every minute, I am only on day 12 but already experiencing the benefits:
New years watched everyone go smoke in the Rain, Sat in the pub the other Day and watched them smoke one after the other, Every day I watch my OH panic as she starts to run out, then its a mad dash to go buy more!! I am so glad i am not a slave to my habit anymore!!
Just stay motivated keep posting READ, READ and READ i just learned I didn't quit CT I quit IT (Informed Turkey)
Stay Strong!
Thank you GazzabSA, I plan to make it this time, and be able to say I am a non-smoker.

Welcome Hidden - how are you getting on - can you confirm your stop date for your milestone badges when you get a chance?