Hi everyone! It's been 68 days since my last cigarette.. I'm so happy that I've come this far, but I'm starting to get nervous about an upcoming holiday. I can't seem to wrap my brain around "HOW" I'm going to enjoy my holiday without smoking! Crazy I know... It's just that when I've been on a beach holiday before I LOVED the fact that smoking was allowed almost anywhere and I could drink and smoke and not be judged. I'm worried that I'm going to slip and fall into that horrible "I can handle a few - I'm on holiday" trap. Any words of advice to knock me into reality? Thank you!
Nervous about going on holidays.... - No Smoking Day
Nervous about going on holidays....

Oh I feel your pain! Vacations was a big one for me also. I think you just take it one moment at a time. Bring chewing gum, join some activities at the beach resort or go on some excursions away from the resort. Anything to distract yourself. If no one else in your party smokes, that should make it better also. Good luck!! You can do this!!
Oh i can try and reply to that,it's my challange to my self, can I do this with out given into my temptation, I take my self into areas were smoking and drinking are at, I look around and see people with smoke and drinks in the here hand and say that used to be me but not no more, you can achieve anything you want, as long as you set you mind to it, remember it's not worth it and not worth your health!

This was a massive one for me, made worse by my fear of flying. I didn’t think I would EVER be able to get on a plane without having about ten smokes. I also didn’t think I could enjoy a holiday without sitting on the veranda at night puffing away on cigars and swigging beer. My advice would be just try it. You’re used to not smoking now and it’s just another trigger to get over at the end of the day. It might not be as hard as you think.
Not smoking on holiday doesn’t bother me now but I still swig lots of beer. Now there’s something I REALLY couldn’t do without on holiday 😀
Wow... you sound JUST like me! I have a fear of flying too and generally chain smoke before getting on the plane. I'm just going to have to fight that fear head on! (a glass or 2 of wine might help as well!) The resort we're staying at doesn't allow smoking on our deck/patio so that's a good thing. I LOVED just sitting there, having a few drinks and a bunch of ciggies before the end of the night. I'm sure I can do it!

Just think, that one puff will cost you over $100000. That is actually a reality. Do you really think that puff is worth that much?
Not to mention your health. Your health is hard to put a price on because people don’t know how badly it’s affectes until it’s to late. My mum 57, passed away from LC last year. Hardest thing I have had to go through. Devasted me.
I’m not 140 days smoke free and I have to actually go and have a look at where I’m up to days smoke free because I’m at the point it doesn’t bother me anymore. Counting the days isn’t an issue, which I’m pleased about.
You can do this! You have come this far! I lost my nan a few months back and was scared of falling off the wagon but I didn’t. If I can deal with that, this should be a breezing for you. Just think $100000 plus easy, is it worth it? This one thing has helped me immensely
I’m now 140 days smoke free it’s meant to say

Hey Lynds1974 - yeah the first smoke free holiday is a biggie to overcome alright. But once you are thinking about a potential trigger, that is a GREAT sign. I remember my first holiday smoke free and really surprised myself about I relaxed I was and how I enjoyed the holiday SO much better as didn't have the stress of worrying of not smoking for a long length of time and racing to get to the airport smoking area gasping, smoking out hotel windows, blowing smoke in non smokers faces while sitting out in the evenings for something to eat and drink.
Once you get over this, thats it overcome and will never bother you again Wishing your strength, you can do it!
You're right Roisin01! I forgot about the "guilt" I'd feel when I smoked and the smoke encroached on non-smokers. Also, the exclusion you feel when you're trying to find a place to hide to have a smoke. ugh... it's almost embarrassing.
Have you headed on holidays yet Lynds1974 - if so, hope you are getting on well?
HI Roisin01! 4 more sleeps! Can't wait
Lovely, where are you going Lynds1974 ?
Hey Lynds1974 - 3 months now, how did the holidays go?
Hi Roisin01! I hope your Christmas holidays were good! We went to Akumal in Mexico for 10 days and came back on Dec.24 SMOKE FREE! It was hard since they're much more lax about smoking and drinking down there... but I made it! There were a few times where I thought (after a few margaritas) only ONE won't matter! I'm on vacation... no one will know.. but I would know! 98 days today
Ah huge well done Lynds1974 - that is a big achievement to overcome at the early stage in your journey, congratulations
I had a lovely Christmas and New Year, flew by and all over now for another year
Hi Lynds great achievement congratulations !
68days is awesome but maybe you are still in a very early stage, I know you are just nervious about the Holliday coming soon but make sure you avoid any trigger to smoke again .
Quitting smoking is a very serious event in your life . and can make a big positive difference forever! I went back to some caffeine after 4 months .
68 days is like diamonds or like a treasure ! Keep it up !!!

Hi Lynds1974. I've got some serious news for you. You aren't a smoker any more so you cannot smoke on your holiday. It is not an option. You cannot turn back time and become a smoker again. If you could turn back time I imagine you would make sure you didn't start smoking in the first place. You drew a line 68 days ago and stepped over it. You ain't a smoker any more.
I'm afraid that you are suffering from "non-smoker-denial" syndrome. Despite not being a smoker for over two months you still think you are a smoker. Well you aint - so stop kidding yourself. Smoking was never your friend. Sucked your money and your health. Never go there again.
Two simple rules.
1. Never purchase any tobacco or smoking related product ever again.
2. Never put any tobacco product in your mouth ever again.
Stick to those rules and you will never smoke again.. plus you will be significantly richer and much healthier. Be kind to yourself.
Enjoy your holiday you non-smoker you!

Thank you Lanark! Those are realistic words of advice! Smoking was NEVER my friend so why on earth would I go visit it?

Just an update... I made it through the holiday without even a puff! There were times, believe me, but I didn't do it! I kept telling myself "I'm a non-smoker, so it's not an option"! Whew! Thanks everyone! xoxo Hope you all had a great Christmas!

Over 6 months now Lynds1974 - hope you are keeping well?