Hi guys. My name is Neli. I'm from Port Elizabeth in South Africa.I've been smoking for about 17yrs about 10 a day. I have decided to stop putting this poison into my body. I've got two beautiful kids whom i wouldnt like them to grow up with a smoker in the house. hubby does not smoke. i'm on day 8 on champix. the side effects not too bad. but the smoking is getting a bit less. will see how it goes.
About myself: Hi guys. My name is Neli. I'm... - No Smoking Day
About myself

Wecome Neli !
I too am on Champix (day 14 of no smoking, day 22 of Champix).
Well done on your decision to quit - I won't lie, it is certainly the hardest, but definitely the BEST decision of my life!
I did suffer some side effects (I think from Champix - nausea, a bit of anxiety etc.) but I am glad to say that these have eased off for me - stick with it, I promose it does get better.
What is your quit day?
This is a very supportive site and I am sure you will receive many more welcome messages and messages of support - there are always plenty of fellow quitters on here to give you continued guidance, information and encouragement.
I look forward to following your journey and being a successful fellow non-smoker.
Keep strong!

How wonderful to have you with us, your well on your way, to your quit date. Great news I have for you, each and every one on here, had a quit date, indeed managed to get through the first day. And so can you
I can honestly say, this is without doubt, the best decision of your, and your family's life , we are a friendly bunch, all with the same goal.
Please please keep posting and reading, have the faith you can do this.
All that's left for me to add, is a huge hello.
Looking forward to your updates
hi Neli
welcome to our little family 😁
kids are a fantastic reason to stop smoking 😈
I smoked fo 40 years had 3 kids,never for one minute did I think I was doing Wrong 😒
I now have stoped.money.health was the reasons,but I have 2 beautiful grandchildren so that's my reasons.
you can get help,advice,or just let us know how your going good OR bad.
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Neli.....Thank you for the introduction...I am little bit (2000 km) North of you in the Southern Mozambique (Ex South Africa)..
Aah PE..Kabeljou and wind..Welcome and enjoy this wonderful journey..!!
Best of luck and keep pushing, everything will get easier with time, by the way im from Pretoria.
Yay...!! Another homie... welcome Majorpayne...Luckily it is only the first few weeks that quitting is a "major pain''... The moment you start to discover how life should actually be...It becomes Major happiness..! Well done in your quit so far!!!
(PS I'm and Ex Pretorian) Still support the Bulls...!!
Thanks boet, but I support cheetahs by origin,

Welcome Neli - set the quit date now while you this frame of mind, we will be here to help you on your journey, especially our Mr Hercu who has great words of wisdom especially when it comes to quitting with champix and his analogies were a godsend when I quit cold turkey 17 months ago.
Looking forward to seeing you in Day 1 very soon
wd for 10 days no smoking really proud of you

hi Neli well done on your quit!!! The world wide web still truly amazes me, its fab to know that our online family that support each other come from all corners of the earth, I love it❤ . Keep us updated on your quit! X 😊