Well I guess around 6/7 weeks now from initially being told to stop after catching pneumonia and being scared sh**less !!!
So automatically stopping ( cold turkey ) not that I was in any condition or having any desire to smoke , my tobacco went in the bin and that was it ...
Reading up about doing cold turkey on here and other sites seems a task .. I'm thinking as I was so bloody ill things were masked thankfully and the nicotine withdrawal went and passed pretty quick tbh ,
... as said , was home from hospital , after being on industrial strength antibiotics via a drip then more to take when I got home to coughing up blood / pus and Phlegm of all colours so smoking was the last thing on my mind and the withdrawal wasn't really heart fealt tbh
My sleeping is better now , I'm back to work after being off for around six weeks , that was holiday , where I got ill then getting sick ... so back to work , feeling confident ... chest feels great but sure I'm getting the quitting fatigue symptoms , deffo last week anyway , but also having pneumonia can knock you for 6 and takes time to get strength back ... So yes , still a little fatigued but getting better ...
Weird things happening are , the habit bits .. I didn't smoke in the house , as being the only smoker , I'd smoke in the garden , yesterday , after breakfast , I automatically grabbed the key fir the back door , put it in the door then thought ' what am I doing "
that's what I'd do to go out for a cig ..!!!
Strange how habit things are still there but cravings are not ... I just shrugged it off and that was that ... other than that it's pretty good ..
weight is going on a little ..hey ho !!!
I have plans .. I've got this far and bloody impressed myself and have no intentions of going back , so got positive ideas now to lose the weight ...
My follow up X-ray next week to see if my lungs are clear from the pneumonia, fingers crossed I'm ok ... it's weird how you worry more about yourself once something happens to you Than you ever did when you smoked !!!!
Sory for being graphic again , and I know was a streptococcus bacteria infection I caught , but smoking makes all the worse ....
Be strong to you all and stay strong , talk to people close to you about your achievements and be chuffed about it ....
Finally .. last week whilst out shopping , just going into a shop , there was and elderly woman smoking outside sat on a bench ... omg , the smell was absolutely disgusting and really found it quite offensive !!!" Really is not a nice smell is it " , my wife said !!