Hi, I've just started week 3 of champix, and I'm not having any desire to stop, no side effects at all apart from horrendous bloating, I look 9 mths pregnant, (I'm not pregnant!) has anyone else had the bloating to this extent, and has anyone failed quitting due to lack of side effects, I have no will power at all 😭 so really wanted these to work
Severe bloating on champix: Hi, I've just... - No Smoking Day
Severe bloating on champix

Hi Mezzy, I’m sorry to hear about the bloating, I do get some with it but not as badly as you by the sounds of things... are you taking them with food preferably after you eat? That can help and lots of water!
Ok so Champix will not enable you to reach a point whereby you know it’s time to stop. You must make the decision to stop.
Yes sure some people get really bad side effects and others don’t. But the majority of people don’t you need to take a leap of faith.
For example I decided I would cut down ok so I cut down really fast but you can aim for a reduction of half every week. Then you just stop and deal with the impulses. By the time you get there you are really only trying to break a habit not the nicotine addiction itself.
They say it takes approximately 31 days to break a habit. I guess that depends on the individual but it’s a good estimate to go by. 😀 I hope that makes Champix a little clearer.
Incidentally last time I used them I continued smoking through the (let’s call it) golden time and when you go past that it just won’t work, you must want to quit smoking they do not make you want to give up, that part comes from you. You can do it!

I only taking one champix a day now. And my side effects start getting less. And I really start feeling good no cravings. I am. On week 3 and5 days off non smoking. So my doctor recommended after the for weeks finish to use the rest off the night ones and take half until all gone. So long I don't have cravings is all. Good.
I feel great and very praoud
Hi Mezzymoo.
Yeah I have been bloated, been struggling to poop too (sorry i know it tmi). Im nearing the end of my course now and things are getting better, i just take the attitude that its 12 weeks of discomfort and i'll have a vastly improved life style.
In regards to your statement that you have no desire to quit, i found that champix did not reduce my enjoyment of smoking like a lot of people say they have. But I still chose my quit day and stuck to it. Champix made the time after my quit day MUCH easier, my first week of no ciggies was a little tough, i was clearly on edge and using a lot of expletives, but since then I've not been thinking about it much. I have quit smoking every way possible and using champix has been the easiest, so keep it up cos it will be worth it!!! Why dont you set a quit day for this weekend? Sorry it will require will power, but so much less will power than with any other quit smoking method!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I also recommend getting a quit smoking app on your phone, seeing how much money I saved has really motivated me, this month I purchased a brand new fitbit and gorgeous handbag with the money I would have spent on ciggies. I gotta say I like my new shiney things much more than smoking x
Welcome Christinie - congratulations on your smoke free journey, can you confirm your stop date for your milestone badges when you get a chance
hi, i can't see how to do this, can you give me simple instructions please.
Thank you for all your comments, I feel like throwing them away already!!! I have cut down loads already, from 20+ a day to around 5 a day, I do eat before I take them and drink plenty, but still very bloated, I suppose if I went out anywhere I would get away with using the loo as I look so pregnant!! I will keep going though, thank you again
Welcome Mezzymoo - we have several members here who successfully stopped using champix - some have achieved their 1 to 3 year milestone - like already advised, it is not a magic pill, it just takes the edge of the cravings - you still have alot to mentally yourself to stop. If you can, set a stop date and stick to it. Read up as much as you can here and elsewhere - below is a link to some of our pinned posts worth a read:
Some foods with a high probiotic content can help with the bloating and drinking plenty of water such as, Yogurt, Cabbage, Goats Milk, Mushrooms, Rice, Green Tea, Pickles, Cheese
We look forward to your day 1 post very soon

The bloating is from an enzyme that is not created in the gut when you smoke. Once you stop smoking it is produced and can be over produced in some people and they get bloating. It does settle.
Thank you for this info! I am on day 23 of Champix day 7 smoke free and the bloatness I am experiencing is driving me crazy hopefully it settles soon
I was smoking loads, but all of a sudden, I was cutting down and then I just stopped. I get flatulance on Champix, but I feel great, my blood pressure has gone down and you do feel like a different person.