Wow! I have to say stopping smoking has helped me so much! I feel so much better, the patches do make my arms hurt really bad! But I just remove it and place it elsewhere, the main slowly goes away ☺️ I used to smoke 20 a day but a box for £8.50 a DAY! That’s what made me quit I just had enough of it all! I normally beat my craving more by having a sweet snack it helps a lot!
Day 10 smoke free: Wow! I have to say... - No Smoking Day
Day 10 smoke free

Welcome Teex - congratulations on now 11 days smoke free, well done!
Keep up that positive attitude and your guard up ready to attack at all times. Looking forward to reading your progress
Thank you so much! Definitely beating the cravings! 😃
How is things now Teex ?
1 month today Teex - hope you are still going strong?
Hey! I’ve just seen your message! I’ve Been smoke free for 6 months now since September and I feel so good! I’m also expecting my third child now and feel so much better that I don’t smoke anymore Ive had no cravings no thoughts about smoking again I’ve got boxes full of nicorrette and patches which haven’t been touched! Safe to say I don’t need to smoke anymore it was all in my head that i needed it and I know I don’t need any of it 😄❤️
Ah Teex , huge congratulations on over 6 months smoke free and your pregnancy, when are you due? Keep in touch when you can. Wishing you all the best 👶🍼