Day 32 CigaretteFree day 29 nicotine free today. Not really having cravings for cigs at all but a gloom and doom depression lol still lingers. I’m very proud of how far I’ve come it’s hard to believe I’ve made it this far. Thanks to everyone here offering support it has certainly helped.
Day 32 : Day 32 CigaretteFree day 29 nicotine... - No Smoking Day
Day 32

Congrats on 1 month Leroy. It's normal to feel down within the first 3 months of quitting. All though our addiction we have viewed cigarettes as our friend. We rely on them when we are stressed, or happy. But it gets better so keep at it.

Well done LeroyJenkins28 - yeah the doom and gloom will linger for a while longer as you continue to mourn the loss of Mr Nico, but will get less severe as each day passes, keep up the great work

Day 40 and things have been looking up! A lot of the withdrawal symptoms have lessened and things are going well.

Yes! Gloom and doom has ceased and things are looking up!

Today is day 103 no cigs and 100 nicotine free. Things are excellent, a slight depression lingered for around 3 months but the last week or two has be really good I feel like I’ve fully kicked not just the habit but also the withdrawal effects that came from quitting. I was spending around 10$ per day so I have essentially saved over 1000$ dollars already by quitting.