This is pure hell I would have never in my life imagined that quitting smoking would be like this but I guess after 30 years there is going to be some sort of payback - just hope I can keep it up - please somebody tell me that this gets better
Starting week 3 of cold turkey no smoking - No Smoking Day
Starting week 3 of cold turkey no smoking

It does get better... all I personally have is 6 months and change experience.. first few weeks just socked. Brain fog, hard to focus at times. Just don't light up a cigarette for any reason.(unless it comes with a blindfold) ha ha. The HABIT is very difficult to stop.... check just knowing you have a stop date can be pretty stressful 1 more..... YES it gets better.🚭🔠 Jeff

Thanks jwk - I know I just gotta push through this

I stopped cold turkey too after over 30 years smoking and am just over 7 months it definitely gets easier
I get the odd craving when I’m stressed but tell my self I would still be stressed even with a fag in my mouth lol
I found this site helped loads just reading peoples posts and also downloading smoke free apps so you can see how your body is healing over the days and how many cigs you haven’t smoked (that’s a great one - over 4000 now for me )
Keep strong it’s so worth it 💪😎

It definitely gets better Arad. It's not a straight-line progression, there are ups and downs, but over time the craves steadily lessen.

Huge welcome to our community Arad64 and congratulations on over 1 month smoke free now! How is things, improving?
I too stopped cold turkey and heading towards 3 years in September, yeah it was / is a rollercoaster at times but for each day that passes the easier it gets and stronger you become. Read up as much as you can here (pinned posts and other members journeys) and elsewhere as knowledge is key on stopping and nicotine withdrawal. Stay close to us especially if really struggling

3 months now Arad64 - how is things going for you now?