Hi there im on day 5 of quitting smoking cold turkey.Ive smoked for so many years and tried quit so many times with help of patches etc but they nvr worked for me so thought cold turkey is the best option for me this time.The only thing is today ive woke up with a cough and a sore throat.Is this normal when quitting (ive nvr lasted so many days before when tried quitting but am determined this time lol ) and if it is how long will it last.Any advice appreciated
Quit cold turkey: Hi there im on day 5 of... - No Smoking Day
Quit cold turkey

Hi Sharon,
After quitting there are all kinds of symptoms, and sore throats and coughs are part of it. There is information about symptoms in the pinned posts so you could check that out, and I'm sure some other members will offer help soon enough Coughing is good, it helps us to bring up mucus etc.from our lungs, and I know I had a sore throat/sinus probs for a few weeks til things settled down again. Congratulations on your quit, you've made the right choice, you'll soon be into weeks and month too

Huge welcome to our community Sharon12301 , congratulations on 5 days smoke free, well done! I too stopped cold turkey over 2 and a half years ago and it has been the best decision and achievement of my life to date
The flu like symptoms you are experiencing are perfectly normal, nicotine withdrawal varies from each individual but below pinned posts are the most common ones and the estimated recovery timescales (there are a good few other helpful ones under 'Pinned Posts' if you want to have a look at them).
As you are over 3 days smoke free now, the nicotine is out of your system and the mental battle has begun as your body and mind begin the gradual rewiring, repairing and recovery so try to keep as busy as possible, loads and loads of water, fresh fruit and vegetables and a bit of exercise daily to clear the head. Stay close to us especially if struggling and just take it one day at a time (hour by hour if needs be).
Congrats Sharon !! Give a litttle time and things will get so much easy ..you will see ...
First read all the pinned posts you will find lots of great ideas from real ex smokers .
Load your system with vitamine c and lots of water normally a smoker develope more defences to battle nicotine and quemicals in cigarrets . So now everything seems to be amplified .But very soon just like roisen mentioned your body and mind start rewiering .I personally recomend probiotics to maintain healthy digestion and to treat your gums rinse your mouth with warm salty water twice a day ..Stay quit ! Is the only way to start the repair your body is asking for ! 🦋

Sharon ..warm welcome and good for you to quit...
I believe we smokers always had a sore throat...we always had a cough and headaches but with a cunning drug like nicotine it never bothered us because it was smothered, cigarette after cigarette and we felt great...
The moment we quit...we start to feel all this nicotine hidden symptoms...Luckily it is only for a short time till our bodies is used to not relying on nicotine and thousands other chemicals to get through a day...
It really does get better...Strongs !!

HUGE Congratulations to you Sharon for your quit! 35 years of smoking for me and I quit cold turkey as well. I agree with all of the above comments & tips/tricks. I had a mild sore throat and a cough for quite some time and then one day..boom it was gone. Hang in there it IS all worth it and will go away.
Hi Sharon12301
we all got/get different symptoms.
mine was mouth ulcers,still bloody do (but probably more dentist problems,ive not got one 😁)
you doing well,how are you today.
hope all Is well
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Hiya im doing really good ive done a full week without a cig so its looking good.It was my first day back in work today and i thought i might fail but i didnt i stuck to it and didnt have a cig it felt good being able to say to my co workers i dont smoke anymore when they asked am i going outside for a cig so fingers crossed i can beat this
1 month smoke free today Sharon12301 - how are you getting on?
Hiya sorry not kept updatin on here been really busy with work but im still smoke free over a month and feeling great.I didnt think i would be able to do it at the beginning but here i am over a month later and still smoke free
Great to read Sharon12301 - keep up the good work!
50 days smoke free today Sharon12301 - hope you are continuing to go strong?