Back to square one for me. some background: my husband is a professional driver. Used to be he was only home 3 days a month and i always packed him up and provided him with some food and comfort items for while he was over the road. For the past year however, he has had a job where he is home every night. And he still smokes. So anyways i wake up this morning and find him in bed (hes supposed to be at work well before i wake up ) and start panicking he like no big deal baby im just doing a overnight shift tonight over in a nother plant . so i calm down any way within two hours we learn that hes going to be staying out of state until further notice and hes to report to a town three hours away by 5 pm to make check in(hotel is on the company's dime). Well old habits die hard and i go into helpful wife mode packing prepping and making arrangements for everything which i just grab a smoke of his and go right to business. :/ 😡😡😡😡 mad at myself but learned a valuable lesson and hubs did too. So if you are the kind of person who likes to see the brightside( and i try to ). I have at minimum a week of no temptation while at home because hes out of the house and i can start practicing new habits . live and learn 😪 (still frustrated though and babying my ecig like crazy)
Backslide :(: Back to square one for me... - No Smoking Day
Backslide :(

Just stick with it @pattygirl. Ultimately, you can do this if you want it. Don’t be overly hard on yourself and swing back in the saddle love. 😊

Do you know sweet, none of us are perfect, give yourself a break..!!!
Tomorrow is another day, and as you say, you can adopt a new routine whilst hubby is away, you can do it hun ❤️❤️

It's understandable to be disappointed Patty, but you have the right attitude about learning from it. Most people on this forum went through several failed quits before it became permanent. I lost track of how many times I previously quit, sometimes for a few days, and sometimes for longer.

Thanks that's really helpful. Im feeling like i can do this, its just constant vigilance for a while. I will get it right

Hold on Patty ...It is a rough ride...but one of these days you will stay in the saddle...Practice makes perfect...!!
You know the proverb...Fall down 7 times and get up 8....!!

It's a journey not a destination and yes sometimes we don't see the pothole and fall in head first but like they say- once you know where the potholes are you can walk around them. I love your honesty. Look out for those bloody potholes!!!lol

1 month now Pattygirl1992 - how is things?