Hello all, day three almost went by without a hitch. I'm still vaping it up but I'm not really even wanting cigs today( though I can't speak for tomorrow but I'll accept my gift for the day!) I'm feeling good about my quit but I did have a pretty bad argument with my husband today and while we did apologise we have barely spoken since the fight except to apologize and figure out dinner plans . We fought because he smoked inside and I asked him not to (probably not nicely) and he said that if I get to vape inside he gets to smoke inside because it's no different . So I have started to take my vape outside but I just feel like it's not the same thing and I feel like he keeps doing or saying things to undermine my quit. To name just three : he is still leaving his smokes all over the house when he promised to keep them in the car or at least hide, he keeps saying stuff that insinuates I'll be smoking within a week , and the one that aggravated me the most " when and if I were to quit I would have to actually put them down cold turkey. So I can feel like I actually did something." Guys I love my husband and I hope if he ever wants to, cold turkey works him but that comment both hurt and angered me. Anyway I mostly needed to vent before I said something I couldn't take back. I am still optimistic and continuing my quit . I've never actually made it the end of day three before (ecig or no ecig)! So thank for letting me gripe when I needs it and for the support . I'm am so grateful .to you all .thanks again!