Could definitely smoke right now that's for sure as I drink a cup of tea in my kitchen desperately reminding myself why I keep stopping in the first place, ahhhhh the nicotine monster is definitely testing me today, got to stay strong!!!
3rd day cold turkey quit.: Could definitely... - No Smoking Day
3rd day cold turkey quit.

You can do it Nohassel! Those first few days are tough but it does get easier - in the next few days the physical cravings will be a lot less

Hey Nohassel, you are almost over a huge milestone of 3 days as it takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system so hang in there.
Drinking tea or coffee would have been a HUGE trigger for me because of the caffeine and the association with them and smoking and I would not have considered drinking either of them especially that early on in my quit. I would suggest changing that for a month or so until you settled in your quit.
During our quit journey, we have to change our lifestyles to adapt to our brains rewiring from no nicotine so perhaps have a think about future potential triggers and how you can overcome them.
Water juicers bottles are all the rage these days and for me was a great purchase! Strongs!!
Thanks roisin, yeah will have to keep that in mind I think, need to minimise as much stress as possible on the quit journey. Gonna go down to the beach for a walk try and fill my lungs with some fresh Scottish air
Ah another one Nozmo You are so lucky to live near a beach! Enjoy!
Good idea Nohassel, when the cravings get too much, get out of the situation - go for a walk, do some work, tidy the cupboard under the stairs, go to the shops, eat, go to bed....anything to take your mind off it.
You have made the right choice by going to the beach. It helps to get rid of the urge...and it makes RoisinO1 jealous 😀
And what about me...I love the sea !!!!
You might not like ours too much hercu. It looks nice but spend more than five minutes in the North Sea and you get hypothermia...and that's in summer! 😀
Yeah have to agree with you there nozmo, stay out of the sea folks!!! Haha

Yes Nohassel can do it..Stay strong !!

A huge welcome from me, and how far you have come, do anything you need just to keep going, all the above is great advice. Did you ever believe you could make the three day mark? Doing brilliant, indeed little by little, those days will add up so quickly, four days tomorrow, now that's nearly a whole week
Quite fantastic
Look forward to your updates, just keep going, you can do it
I found day 3 and 4 the worst of my cold turkey quit. Then I gave in on day 5, thinking I'll just have 1 a day.... That quickly turned into the 15 odd that I usually smoked. Push through Nohassel! Just think, after the 3rd day they say that the nicodemon is dead! Cold turkey is a toughy though, wish I had your willpower!
Well done!
Thanks ashsmash, yeah it's no a easy fight but it's definitely winnable, we all want to be free from the slavery! You should be proud of yourself for even attempting to quit cold turkey we all have something in common here which is a big motivation booster it's so much easier with help especially addiction! Anyway will update in due course thanks again all the best.

Might treat myself and order some take out that will help take my mind of ciggs for a while haha

Day 4 Nohassel! How you feeling today? Nicotine should be out of your system now....hope it feels better for you...

Gonna get myself up showered and out for a good walk, will speak after hope all is well with you!

You can do it. Just divert your attention