7 weeks no smoking tomorrow and had my first funeral — must say was the hardest day but didn’t have one — walked out the crematorium and loads of people smoking so walked past as fast as possible— then the wake which was more of a party atmosphere did have a few cravings but am home safe and sound and smoke free 😇
First funeral: 7 weeks no smoking tomorrow... - No Smoking Day
First funeral

nice wok ellismichelle ...do you still like the smell of smoke? I hate it, smelled my neighbor smoking it p**sed me off. Not that I am not craving nicotine. Guess am so bitter currently the smell is not appealing.
Yeah, over 2 years smoke free now Hidden and the smell of smoke still makes me feel sick to the stomach, really hate it and think it has been a big factor in me not smoking again!!
PS As per posting guidelines, can ya watch the bad words
My husband smokes in the garden so I can’t get away from it completely— I didn’t want to smoke but kept thinking about smoking if that makes sense lol
Isn’t it weird how bad the smell is once you’ve quit ... it really is horrible..is that how Non smokers smell it 🙄 ..guess it must be ..
but funny how they don’t complain as much as an ex smoker does when smelling it lol ..
and you can smell it from a mile off now 😂
My first few weeks of smoking, I was loving the smell of smoke because it satisfied my cravings. But when I reached to 3 months, I just hated the smell of it to the point that I would cover my nose when someone is smoking or I would just leave the area if someone is smoking. I couldn't take the smell of it anymore. Thank God! I keep telling myself this is for real and I am never going back.
I don’t like the smell and will walk away and definitely am not going to have a cig again — was thinking 💭 last night and it sounds stupid now but I didn’t realise when i smoked that there was life after smoking— got my 50 day badge yesterday 😊

You did great, especially under the circumstances. One of the hard days and you beat it.

Well done ellismichelle - hopefully they will be few and far between, but the good news is the next one will be much easier....
hi ellismichelle
funerals,not nice,but its part of life.
at my dads I watched the usual gang go light up.i was on one of many stops,but I didn't smoke Then.did not want too smoke.
it was a few days later,just did it,that was 4months wasted on another stop.(5years ago)
you did well,always keep positive and always be on guard.
you can win this.
take care 😊
do keep kicking 😎

Great job ellismichelle. I'm sure you are super proud of yourself for that achievement. Keep up the good work.

6 months today ellismichelle - hope you are keeping well?
Yes thank you — I have now had my first work conference in Majorca 😎with lots of people smoking and me having the odd cocktail 🍸 and also had my first wedding as a non smoker — feeling very proud of myself and hubby has cut down a bit too 🙂xx