Hi I am from NZ. I am new to this community. I quit smoking cigarettes 3 weeks ago. I have been a full time smoker for about 22 years. I have tried many times to quit using various methods. I started vaping 3 weeks ago & so far I am going strong. Obviously still addicted to nicotine but I am going to reduce the nic levels in the juice over the next few months. All my other attempts just the smell of a cigarette would have me down a the closest dairy buying a pack. I feel great & am going strong! This is my final time quitting.
Hello: Hi I am from NZ. I am new to this... - No Smoking Day

Hi cokegirl25. That's great, let's do it... this really is the first time I've seriously tried stepping away from cigarettes..my last cig was 1/10 @10:33 pm. Tomorrow day 20 for me and each day is going well.....I find the urge, well not really an urge but, can't quite figure out what to call it fight now... anyway welcome to the group😊
Kinda lost where I was going with that😵 almost time to blow the candle out for the night. Probably a good thing.. I won't be lighting up tomorrow.. stay strong
Thanks. You are going really well. We are roughly at the same stage. Are you going cold turkey or NRT? With vaping I feel like I'm swapping one addiction for another but for me it's the only way I can give up the nasty fags for good.

Thank you. I am using the weakest nicotine patch 7 mg. My plan to quit was 10 days of changing smoking pattern, stopped while driving, didn't smoke until after my morning coffee, you get the idea. On the morning of my quit my wife(non smoker, never did) told me she had a few nice patches from couple years ago she used while studying for testing at work. Sooo I'm not smoking but still have nicotine in my system. Other than the urge to light up I'm going strong. Best of luck
The patch I'm using is the last if you use whole program..this is working for now. I have 1 patch left and if I get another box (14)
If...that will get me through 1 month...I'll see how all is then. Oh it's 4am woke up can't get back to sleep..1st time😵

I've have 1 tired finger now lol🚭 for me
I think everyone else is sleeping!! It is only 10pm here & there is not alot of posting going on at the moment.
Where are you from?
Monroe Michigan very lower S.E corner of state.. we got 5 inches of snow yesterday, how's N.Z. weather ?
Wow I have only seen snow a couple of times & it was that dirty stuff left on the side of the road. I am embarrassed to say I did have to google Michigan. Alot of lakes. Looks like a great spot for water sports etc.
We are in full blown summer. I have all the doors open & am covered in itchy bites. Today was maybe low 30s Celsius & humid.
Sounds like you have it all sorted then. It was a great idea changing your habits beforehand too. We are both going to beat it. I haven't had any issues sleeping but I can pretty much sleep standing up 😂

Only 2nd time on sleeping hiccup

Hello Hidden ,
I quit by vaping too...just to say it can be done and lots of people on here have done it. Sounds like a good plan for coming off the vape - more or less exactly what I did. I've been off the cigs for over two years now and off the ecigs for 18 months or so.
It's 2:55 PM here in England so doubt you will see this for a while but just wanted to say hello, and well done on 3 weeks cigarette-free!
2 years really is amazing Nozmo. Thanks for saying hi & for the encouragement. It feels great to feel supported & know your not alone on the battlefield.

Sounds like you are both doing well, Cokegirl25 & Jwk1962. I also used an ecig. Use it as long as you need to. I lowered the nicotine levels and really didn't notice it, until I was on 0%. I was on the 0% the longest. To a great degree my habit was always the hand-mouth movement.
23 Fahrenheit & clear in NY.
I checked out some of your stunning photos Cocoa. Maybe a trip to NYC in your winter should be on the cards. Thanks for the ecig tips. I only know full-time vapers that have no intention of giving up.
A few years back some friends from Australia came around Christmas time and were blessed with a big snowfall, but some years we do not get much. I'd say the best time in NYC is between Thanksgiving (4th Thurs in November) and New Years. Spring is also nice. Summer can be dreadful with the humidity and Fall can be dreary.

Welcome again Hidden to our community and well done on 3 weeks smoke free (can you confirm your stop date of 10 January for your exact milestone badge? )
We have several members here that stopped with the aid of vaping and are now over their 1 and 2 year milestone smoke and vape free after weaning themselves off it as Nozmo mentioned...
You appear to be in a great positive mindset which will stand to you
We look forward to reading your progress updates!
PS It is 17:30 here in Ireland, 1 degrees with snow/sleet/hail showers with a bitterly cold wind
Thanks Roisin. I stopped 8th Jan. The weather sounds absolutely dreadful. At least you are not alone with the weather. When I am sitting in front of my fire in a few months everyone else in the community will be enjoying summer. But I will be looking forward to the end of our winter as we are heading to Singapore & Phuket in Aug paid for by my stop smoking funds!!