I am on day 14 of champix for the last few days I keep on being sick has any one alse experienced this
champix: I am on day 14 of champix for the... - No Smoking Day

Well done in taking the first steps to quit. You do need to make sure you eat first before you take the pill. Secondly once you stop smoking completely the sickness calms down. Also it takes a while for your body to get used to the pill so it will stop making you feel sick eventually. I can take a pill without food now and its fine. Is it the morning or evening one thats worse ?

Hi Polly,
The sickness will calm down the longer you take them, as Laura has said just make sure you eat toast or a biscuit before taking it, sip water and try and sit down for 10 minutes after.
I also can take the tablet with no food and no side effects at all now, you have just got to keep going with it, it gets so much easier.
Best of luck, keep us updated on your progress?
thanks Hev

Welcome Hidden and congratulations on making the best decision of your life to stop smoking
Nausea is the most common side effect of champix and can't add anymore to the excellent advice Laura and Hev gave you.
Below is a pinned post on possible side effects and also a link to some helpful posts if not already read:
We look forward to seeing you in Day 1 very soon.....
Hey Hidden - how is things now, have you begun your smoke free journey?
slipped up for a day last Friday but back at no smoking since
Well done, so today is Day 2? Stay close to us and post often especially if struggling
day 3
i had to eat a real breakfast to not be sick. Never tried not to after being sick at first. Agree with arvice above. Only add bc i have stomach problems so if you do id make sure to est something substantial. Egg meat toast sandwich. Also makes you busier for that first morning smoke extra time once you quit. Welcome this site has helped me make it to almost 12 weeks quit on 23rd.
Is champix the same as chantix? I started taking chantix for about 3weeks then stopped and decided to go cold turkey, so far i ve only slippedonce since feb. 1st. My second question is does every health accomplishment reset after a slip?

Welcome Hidden to our community, yes Champix and Chantix are the same pill used to assist in stopping smoking, champix is the name in Europe and Chantix is the same given in the US.
So, how many days are you smoke free now?
If you stop and restart smoking, all the hard work accomplished with the physical and mental withdrawal is undone and begins again when you restart your stopping journey again, it takes 3 days for nicotine to leave your system and then the very gradual mental battle begins as your body and mind rewire, repair and recover.
Perhaps create a new introductory post to share your story and any questions you have so it appears in the news feed....