Bin on them 3weeks now and quit smoking on day 8 but this Wknd have felt really down and don't want to do anything or go out, haven't really had an urge to smoke, haven't bin ratty so don't really understand it??
Champix : Bin on them 3weeks now and quit... - No Smoking Day

hi Champagn
what you are feeling is normal
its like you lost a freind,you have to go through a Mourning sort of thing.
you have done this thing for a long time,you cant just stop,its hard.
But it will get better,try not to overthink,don't say/think "I would be having a fag now"
you got to change your daily routine.
keep mind busy,read peoples post and the pinned post at the very bottom of the post page.
you can do this 😁
take care 😊
keep kicking 😁

Hi Champagn, this is perfectly normal to be feeling this way at over 1 week smoke free. I posted my very first post on Day 8, 19 months ago and was literally pulling my hair out You are in the thick of the mental battle as your brain is re-wiring - it will start to settle down soon, lots of water, keep busy and bit of exercise, breathing techniques are good too.
If not already read, below is a link to some helpful posts
Stay strong and hang in there, I promise it does get easier

Champ..Welcome and yes, sorry it is normal...I get goose bumps putting myself on your shoes today...I took leave and sat on the beach for a week without the guts or energy to take my Kayak and bash few waves.
I also quitted with the aid of Champix and went through the same low... It took some time and herbal supplements to get me back on track and very happy I pushed through..
Stay strong !!

Hi champagn
I totally get where you are coming from. I started taking champix last November. Quit smoking on 8th day just like you. I was fine on the champix until it came to increasing them from 0.5mg twice daily to 1mg twice daily. I started feeling very depressed so much so that I was recommended to stop taking them, so I did but the urge to smoke never came back and I have not smoked for 5 months and 2 weeks. That is after being a smoker on 20 a day for 42 years. I feel so much better health wise and I have saved £966 pounds. I still occasionally fancy a cigarette but I am not craving or tearing my hair out. So stick with it but if side effects get to bad get advice. But there is like after cigarettes and champix. Cigarettes are not your friend you can do this, take one day at a time even 1 hour at a time and pretty soon like me you will be mega proud of yourself. Stay close to this site for lots of good advice and encouragement. 😊😊
I'm going to doctor this week to discuss how I'm getting on but might just wean myself off as hate feeling like this, thank you for your advice
How is things now Champagn ?
Still no cigs and sickness has stopped, but am getting cravings a bit more lately but it passes
Good for you Champagn, as each day passes, the stronger you will become - keep in touch
Your badge is on its way (bit behind in them, apologies)
Your milestone badge

Ok well let me know how you getting on. He may just reduce the dosage. Take care. 😊

Well day 15and still no cigs and yesterday was a very distressing day due to bad news for my sister at hospital and still didn't crumble, so think I can say I'm winning