I came across this article and had to share, excellent idea, will it catch on with the rest of the world though
Another incentive to stop smoking!! - No Smoking Day
Another incentive to stop smoking!!

I just saw this on Facebook last night! It will unfortunately not catch on here in the US. A few large companies such as Google or Netflix may partake but for the most part we won't see anything. Employers are greedy and employees do not get treated well for the majority of the time. This is one huge reason my husband and I have set the goal to move to Canada when our children are older. So much more respect for human life in other parts of the world!
i agree to some extent, small private companies will likely not buy into it here in Ireland but the big ones may do it to better there working conditions and boost morale, my previous Insurance company actually increased our annual leave from 20 days (previous owners) to 26 days and they were an American based company.
It could also be a good incentive in public sector, e.g, health service, civil service etc.....wouldn't hold my breath though
We can barely get Maternity leave over here!!! I recently started with a new company and my vacation time is 5 days a year for the 1st 4 years! I have two (almost 3) children! How does that work?!
On a side note...I'm on day 9 and it again has been rough. Not sure if it is the pregnancy or the quitting smoking but I'm just in a bad mood. I'm still dealing with the fear of boredom but I keep telling myself that will pass. I know I am not going to pick up another cigarette so basically my posts are just me complaining at this point! haha I just hope someone reads them and thinks "hey that is how I feel! If she did it so can I!".
The bad mood, irritability and boredom are all perfectly normal feelings - herbal and vitamin supplements can help with this as your body is rewiring, repairing and recovering - this is a gradual process but as each day that passes, the easier and stronger you will become.
They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, below is a pinned post worth a read and on withdrawal symptoms so you will know what to expect....
Bloody hell.- 5 days for the first 4 years!
My last company were unbelievable. 2 people, one with a heart attack and the other with cancer, both returned to work and got written warnings for being off sick! WTF?
Strange world...First worlds with no Maternity leave and in my third world woman get 60 Days maternity leave plus her 30 days annual leave paid ....after birth clinic visits is paid until the child is six years old....!!!
With good consent of my Directors I have created a creche on the farm for this reason with a clinic and qualified sister....(There is 220 woman working and +/- 20% of them are having a child every year)
If there was more sunshine in Canada I would have loved to live there...It is my kind of world, temperature aside..!!
Alynn..You are doing extremely well ...yes, beware not to become bored...I made fishing rigs and traces just to keep busy when not working...Strongs !!!
I love the snow and cold! We just want the kiddos to be by their grandparents while they are growing up so that is why we are waiting.
Today is day 10...this morning I had a strange thought...I literally sat there and thought was smoking really that bad? I don't care if I quit now or not. I wasn't expecting something like that but I didn't smoke so now just counting down the hours until I hit the 2 week mark.
Maternity Leave here is 6 months paid leave and can take additional unpaid leave of 3 months. Average annual leave is 25 days and bank holidays if applicable to the area of work you are in.....honestly don't how we would cope with just 5 days off a year
5 days a year? That’s brutal. Don’t wait till the kids are older - move now! Lol. Wouldn’t have to pay to have your baby. Congrats on the quitting!
I’ve been in a bad mood for months (except when I forget I want a smoke), hope it gets better.
My mood is still fluctuating. I'm searching for things to look forward too. Did you quit cold turkey?
I’m on champix which, I feel helped kick start the quit - took the joy out of it, but now seems like a placebo. Been on it since end of July. I’m at the point where smokers smell awful and the smell of smoke p**ses me off - yet I still find myself “thinking” I want a smoke.
Keeping busy has been the easiest way to cope, do something till you forget about the craving. Spitz sunflower seeds really helped the first month or so. I’d have a coffee cup for the shells and a mouthful while driving or at my desk working. Kinda gross but not as gross as the smell of smoke, and a lot less than $14/pack.
For when the craving was unbearable and the mental health of my kids was at stake lol I’d have a vape. 3mg.
How about yourself, just the patch? I quit once w the patch, I use to rub it when I was really craving. But then I’d take it off to play hockey, and well, since it was off, I’d use that as an excuse for a smoke.
Like others have said, it does get easier, cravings get fewer. It helps to really find joy in the little victories too. I’m not sneaking around the outside of the house hiding my habit from the kids. No more wondering if they can smell it off me. Saving over $350 a month. Knowing coworkers are disgusted by the smell of a recently smoked cigarette.
That's great! How long do you take the medicine for before you finally stop? I am only using the patch and am avoiding working in the yard right now. I love yard work but the patch won't stay on and that is when I most enjoyed smoking. I have been eating ice chips and honestly eating! I am pregnant so I'm going for it. I'm going to let myself enjoy food since I have two great reasons to and later down the road I will work on losing the weight. Weight loss has never been a huge problem for me so I am not worried about it.
I cannot believe how bad people smell in general!!! My husband and I went to the store the other day and I had to leave an isle because of the bad odors that I never noticed before! Between pregnancy hormones and my new sense of smell from not smoking, I was physically sick! I live in a factory town with quite a bit of crime so I'm not surprised that people smell in general lol...just never realized it before! I also can't believe that I walk outside from a store or even work and the entire parking lot smells like smoke! I never noticed that either. I have not noticed anything tasting different except coffee. I actually do not like it anymore which isn't really a bad thing.
Good to hear from you Dunny77 and that you are plodding along nicely - over 4 months is great, well done! That feeling of still wanting a smoke will gradually fade away and you should notice a big difference and turning point in your journey by the 6 month mark, keep in touch

That would be nice Roisin! We would need an extra six WEEKS to compensate for the smoke breaks some people take at my work. I don’t know how they get away with it. I can’t see my company joining in in a hurry though.
They have however introduced a scheme where we can buy extra holidays and spread the cost over the year. That comes in handy. I bought an extra five days this year to cover the kids’ school holidays. Not really a holiday though as the kids drive me mad 😀

Excellent idea but I can't see many UK companies, if any, doing it. Most of them are only interested in squeezing their employees to the max for as little as possible. My last company gave us a pay rise which they said was 10% but actually worked put to 11p a week!
Where I am now, the smokers get twice as many breaks as the non-smokers!
Well said mushen! Eleven pence?? Stingy buggers.