Hi everyone, my name is Lorraine and I have been a smoker for 55 years.
After starting Champix on Christmas day and quite a few stop starts, I have not had one puff for 27 days and although my lungs feel better, my weight has gone up drastically so feeling a little sorry for myself.
How long does it take to stop feeling the need for sweets, chocolate & crisps??
Thank you.
(Hi....day 27 of not smoking
Lolly859Lolly859 2 hours ago 0 Replies
Been here a while (since before Christmas but not posted) Started taking Champix 25th December after being diagnosed with COPD and had stopped smoking by day 13. Did 6 days smoke free and then had a few blips starting, stopping, starting, stopping for a few weeks. Finally things fell in to place and have not smoked since 6th February.
I feel great about not smoking but I've put loads of wait on and it is annoying me as I am now the size of a house!!
I don't feel ready to go back to my slimming club but I really need to stop eating chocolate, sweets and cakes as if they are going out of fashion.
Anyone got any tips on how to stop these sweet cravings.
Thank you.)