Hi. Ive been taking champix for 29 days. I did the gradual quitting by reducing my cigs by one each day. So today is day 2 with no cigs! Its been a challenging month but I think this is going to work. Had nausea at first but got through it and none now. So for me this is working.
Champix quitting: Hi. Ive been taking... - No Smoking Day
Champix quitting

Ah great to hear from you Hidden - huge congratulations on Day 2 smoke free, by end of tomorrow, the nicotine will be out of your system....
Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so. Stay close to us and look forward to reading your progress updates

Outstanding!! Everyday counts keep fighting you can do it!!

How is day 4 going for you Hidden ?

Good Going Shirley...you got this !!!
I had a couple of cigs on the wknd. Hopefully get back on track today. It is so much a mind game. Have to wrap my head back around it!? Not going to quit quitting though.
Sorry to read Hidden - let us know when you are back on Day 1 again....yeah the physical battle only last 3 days - the mental battle kicks in then as our minds and body work very hard to rewire, repair and recover - knowledge is key in our journeys - keep reading up on addiction and the pinned posts across this page...
Hey Hidden - how is things now, are you back on track?
Hi Roisin01. Im still taking Champix. But every few days Im sneaking one cigarette?! I dont know why. Doesnt make any sense. It really helps me get restarted when I read everyones posts though.
You need to stop that just one. You are taking champix so it must taste disgusting. It sounds like you are not mentally prepared to quit. You sound scared of that omg I cant smoke ever again and panic. You are putting nicotine back into your body everytime you smoke and thats not allowing your nictoine receptors to die so prolonging your quit.
May I suggest you get a zero nicotine disposable cig they are a fiver. If need be use that instead so at least you arent putting nicotine back into your body
Thanks. The cig tastes so bad I dont even smoke half of it. I wish one of you lived nearby to give my head a shake! I havent had one three days now.
Thats excellent. Most of the nicotine in your body is gone.So now those receptors can go to sleep they wont be screaming at you . They will take weeks to go back to a non smokers amount. But dont feed them or awaken them.
Be strong you CAN do this
I am still without cig and doing very well. Complete opposite of a couple days ago when I was full of doubt. Find it easier at home than at work. Thanks everyone again. I almost feel I am on the other side, close.
This is great Hidden . massive congrats and well done - 4 days now
Would you like your milestone badge for over 1 day or prefer to wait until more settled?
I would very much like a milestone badge. Been a bumpy week but am settled down now. Thank you