Just knowing it was right : Hi all, hope this... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Just knowing it was right

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free
36 Replies

Hi all, hope this finds you well :)

I've had a bit of an epiphany today... yesterday was awful without a cigarette if I'm honest. That first drag when you're stressed, that feeling of satisfaction (imagined!) when you smoke a cigarette after a long day at work... when the kid is driving you nuts and the ex is trying the last shred of patience you have...

Today, I've bagged up the bodies of three animals, cleaned up the detritus left behind, observed a massive canine tooth extraction, listened to the banal discussions of the rich, dressed my child, given medication to him and two of our pets, cleaned up that much sh*t I've lost count and my day has just ended after starting at 6.45 am, it's 11.07 pm here... I've seen compassion, selfishness, discussed politics and fox hunting, felt wretched about so many things... during all that, I only dreamt about the drag of my cigarette patchily.

My reliance on cigarettes is slowly leaving me. That's not to say it isn't very much around, but it's power is less and less. In comparison with yesterday it has been easy not to smoke today.

I've visited this lovely place numerous times, for reminders, support, curiosity and closure. What a blessing we have here in this community...

And now, I'm going to kiss Reggie the Ferret goodnight and dream of being smoke free.. thanks to all :)

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jobm1 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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36 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Ah Jo, what a very moving post - I'm telling you this now girl, you have this in the bag, I just know it, congratulations and thank you for sharing this motivational and inspiring post especially for all our newbies and ones lurking and ready to begin the best journey of their lives :)

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I've not adequate words to describe your inspiration @RoisinO1 (I'm still a bloomin technophobe!) your post about getting closer to your dream is a massive motivation.

And: Everyone here is here for nothing other than honest support be it the seeking of or the offering. How often today is this true? How often can we find such selfless supporting of strangers!!! It's rare.

I looked everywhere for a place to help me stop smoking, and for my first 19 days I found nothing to compare with here. Thank you so so much, you're the beating heart of something amazing Roisin. Thank you. X

My boy and I have great friends, but none of them, and this is by no means a criticism, none of them have an idea of this part of my journey. It's bonkers in a way, and serendipity all ways round. I literally stumbled on this place, thank goodness!!!!

Bless you. I was ready and this was here. No more words as the bloomin Ferret legs it about and the boy woke up and the bath drains and I think.... wow!!!!! I'm not popping outside for a cigarette to do what!!!!! To do nothing but increase my guilt, wreck my health and steal my money!!!!

Thank you, from the heart, thank you x

Lula-kig profile image
Lula-kig2 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

Everything you say here is completely true for me too. Thanks!!!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to Lula-kig

Big smile Lula :)

hi jobm1

that first cig is no satisfaction ITS guilt 😈

I felt it straight away 😒

I slipped at 6months big mistake 😒

I remember my vet bagging my dog up in our front room when I had ty put to sleep.awful .

anyway,good on you,you did well

take care 😊

keep kicking 😁

Tyson was my 7stone Rottweiler,my gental giant,

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to

Aw lovely, it's not a nice job always but often it's a final kindness to give our animals sleep. I love Rottweilers, one of my favourite breeds. We had to move a 70kg dog de Bordeaux yesterday, it's quite a thing to do. We have a lot of outpouring of love at our place. Go steady love and thank you as always x

in reply to jobm1

its silly I know,but I cant bear to get new dog,and its been what 2years😒

one day,maybe 😁 ive had 3 beautiful dogs in 30 years ty (Rottweiler )and Sam and beau (mongrels mother and son )

I cant have another dog put to sleep,

anyway,were not going down that path ha ha

take care 😊

just a bit curious,did the dog live in France at some point,has he just gone home,Manchester to Boudreaux,what a last ride.

in reply to jobm1

jobm1 RoisinO1

just to say today

I had walked home,half a hour walk up hill.(shops,had no bus fares)

I got to my street and saw a dead cat at side if road.

me being so soft and thinking of cat owners I went for bag and walked all the way back down with the cat.(to vets)

my vet will look for chip and keep it for one week.

walked all way back up the bloody hill,

just wanted to tell someone ha.

take care 😊

in reply to

jobm1 RoisinO1

just had a call from the owners,cat was chipped

so upset,sounded like a old couple,

I was crying with them.

so glad I took her.

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to

Bless your heart!!!!! Oftentimes we cat owners have no idea what happens when our babies disappear... that's lovely x

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to

Ps: you slipped, you didn't fall! Well done!!! ☺️

in reply to jobm1

2-3 hours What a mistake 😒

you have a good day 😊

everyone have a good day 😁

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to

You too love ☺️

mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

What a brilliant post. I love his one very much.

It sounds to me as if you have turned a corner with regard to smoking. Addiction is not an easy thing to overcome and you are winning the battle. Excellent!!

Oh and Reggie the Ferret sounds like a fine and furry little creature! If I was there with you, I'd kiss him too! ❤

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to mushen

Ah you lovely lady, thank you. I know it sounds a bit much but honestly this place is a big deal!

Reggie would have kissed you back, he's a lovely poppet ❤️ and he likes the ladies 😁

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Great post - love it!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

From the heart... thanks lovely :)

Telboy61 profile image
Telboy614 Years Smoke Free

Fab post:) well put 👍x

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to Telboy61

Thank you 😁 x I love that this place exists and not just a bean counting app...

Telboy61 profile image
Telboy614 Years Smoke Free

You have the right mind set jobm1💪

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to Telboy61

Thanks lovely 😊 I thought I would never do it!! Look at how amazing we all are!!!

Telboy61 profile image
Telboy614 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

I can't belive in 6 weeks I would of conquered the year , time just flys and the craves come and go in seconds, so hang in there your on it :)👍😎

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to Telboy61

💪🏻🎉😁 fantastic!!!!! I was reading a few of your posts today, such a great and positive journey. WELL DONE!!!!

I'm loving being a non smoker, the cravings affect me so much less than smoking and hating myself did!

Take care lovely... x and thanks a million

Telboy61 profile image
Telboy614 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

Thanks jobm1your a star keep smiling and keep kicking x

melf123 profile image
melf1232 Years Smoke Free

You said to me the other day that I was an inspiration, well, right back at you Mrs...!!

You're doing amazingly well and you're so strong - you've got this, you and Reggie...

Take care :D x

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to melf123

Bless your gorgeous heart! Thanks so much and I think congratulations all round! ❤️

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

Aw Jo, such an inspirational post!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to taurean7

Big smiles and thanks. Couldn't do this without this fantastic place. A life changing thing this is and I'm all bloomin emotional! :)

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

I hear you, Jo. I wouldn't have lasted very long in my quit without this place and the people here either.

When I first quit I found a support site in BC, Canada. They wouldn't let me join because I live in Manitoba. How supportive is that?

Then I stumbled onto this site, and I just started reading. I didn't even know it was in the UK. No one cares where I live, they just offer support and encouragement. I couldn't do it without you guys!!

Hope you're day is a good one!!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to taurean7

I'm laughing but actually that's not funny is it!!

There's such a lot of heart here, such a lot of goodness. It has made ALL the difference to my quit x

Having a gentle day here, hope you too. I bought myself a little gift today, didn't cost much but I'm a taurean too and I'm crazy about smell. Since quitting the smells are intense! So I bought so lovely dry body oil and I'm wandering around sniffing my arm hahaha x take care and thanks a million lovely

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

I am the same with the smells jobm1 - my monthly treat was (actually still is) a LARGE Yankee candle - think they are the best smelling ones, my favourite scent is the Lime and Vanilla and Olive and Thyme ones, very aromatic (get me, learned that from my cookery course!!)

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Gorgeous gorgeous scents! I have patchouli and orange oil. Olive and thyme.... beautiful mix, and I am crazy for citrus.. you're such a giver, cookery suits you. I love food, am particularly mad about Moroccan dishes and Mediterranean, exactly your scents I think! I had some lovely thyme and coconut wild rice the other day with ginger and lemon chicken, very lovely. Many of my girlfriends are feeders lol 💛

Isn't it the most bizarre thing that when you quit smoking, the intensity of scents are incredible! I especially lovely that my hair no longer stinks of anything but shampoo... And food, did I mention I love food hahahahahahahahahahaha!!

Have a lovely sleep Roisin, you're a wonder x

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

I sound like a rambling nutter! Sorry :)

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free

Now you've made me laugh!

BTW Reggie the Ferret sounds adorable. When we first came here we had a farm, every single animal was really a pet and yes, we named them all.

My daughter's baby duck (Ed the Duck) used to waddle up the driveway to greet her off the school bus. She's a Taurus too.

Sorry, off topic!

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to taurean7

I love that!!!! ED! Aw you lovely soft hearted lot, what a fab vision of you all.

We've got Reggie Ferret, tiddler the doggie (tiny) and bafta the cat! The dog and Ferret are rescues and the cat has been with me 16 years. I adore our animals as does my boy Harry. He's a Gemini and I so don't get him sometimes hahaha x it's any topic I reckon, love a good chinwag :) x

It sounds so nice that you followed your dream, what a fantastic thing to do x

taurean7 profile image
taurean72 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

Yes, it was fantastic. Life is precious and animals have a way of opening up your heart, as do good people.

Take care and stay strong!

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