I haven't smoked a tobacco cigarette in almost 24 hours. At about 230am will be 24 hours. I have been a pack a day smoker for 18 years and I haven't went 24 hours without a cigarette ever. Even using this ecig it's still hard not to smoke! I don't know how far i'm going to get. I didn't think I'd make it this far. I want to be rid of cigarettes forever, but they've been such a part of my life every day all day. Im scared to death! Mostly im afraid of disappointing myself. Im hoping this gets easier as I don't know how long I can hold up to thinking about cigarettes every other minute. In reading all the posts I was hoping to see it got better every day but that doesn't look too be the case..... :(...... so I need some kind of light at the ends of the tunnel here. I want to celebrate but i'm on the ecig so probably not much of an accomplishment.
Haven't smoked a tobacco cigarette in almos... - No Smoking Day
Haven't smoked a tobacco cigarette in almost 24 hours.. using an ecig.

Hello gmookl_
Don’t be hard on yourself for using an ecig. I used one too and can vouch that it certainly isn’t anything like plain sailing. Some people don’t like them but anything that ultimately leads to you not smoking is good in my opinion.
It might not feel like it at the minute but it does get better. It took me about six months to wean myself off the ecig but now I’m almost three years smoke free. It’s much easier to come off the vape than it is to come off the real things but my advice would be use it as much as you need it at this stage.
Anyway, better get back to work! Hope the rest of the day isn’t too bad.

Welcome gmookl_ - congratulations on now 1 day smoke free! Well done!
I promise, there is light at the end of the tunnel and everyone is different when they see this light. I think the best thing to do is use the vape as Nozmo suggested as often as needed.
Just take it one day at a time, even hour by hour if needs be. Below is a pinned post worth a read if not already done so:
We look forward to reading your progress

Good for you for taking that first step. Hey, if the ecig helps, why not? That's not cheating. It's just what works for you. Quitting is such a mental thing. I had to think about it for practically a whole year before I decided to do it. I think it does get easier because the nicotine will leave your system in a matter of days and then all that's left is the psychological addiction ... which will stop after a while also. Change up your routine (if you can) to stay mindful about your goal. I really like Roisin's pinned post The Icky Threes. Hope you stick around this site because it's sure helped me!

bravo this is hard i have 6 weeks non smoking every time i want a cig i drink water use your vape and bravo